Free Salt Prints via VIMPT

Vimpt salt prints via besotted blog

I am always in awe of the wonders I come across via these interwebs.  I accidentally stumbled across Craig Austin’s, VIMPT feed on Instagram. Austin’s feed is filled with incredible images, none of them his, well, I take that back, all of them his, let me back up…Austin in a master printer, he decided to donate his time and skills to the Instagram community by offering free salt prints to the community. You submit your interest via his hashtag #vimpt and then he takes a peek, finds the images that he feels will translate best and gets to work. The results? Stunning!  I love the entire process of making a photograph, but editing and hands on printing are really my jam. I wish there were more hours in the day, days in the year, etc. because I want to try this so badly. Until then, I need to get to start tagging….

P.S. We did a little ‘house’ cleaning on the blog, so if you are having trouble finding anything, blame me, I totally messed up, but don’t fret, everything is here, it just may be in another spot;)


Vimpt Instagram

VIMPT site

Salt print kit

Salt print kit ii

Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog.


4 thoughts on “Free Salt Prints via VIMPT

  1. Hello!
    Thank you so much for your kind enthusiasm and support for Vimpt!
    Can I will share on our social media platforms?
    Thanks again and yes, do please start tagging ;)
    Best wishes,

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