Every week we write this I can not believe how fast the week flies by. Also, every week we write this I wonder when I am going to stop? Nobody else seems to be blogging anymore, but I can’t figure out a great way to get the info we want to share to you in a format that is as easy as this? We don’t Facebook, it just never resonated for us. We Instagram like lunatics (we actually have 5 Instagram accounts, 2 personal), but it doesn’t have that same ease. I personally feel like a last hold out of an archaic system, the information decimation equivalent of an individual still using cassette tapes while the rest of the world has moved on to streaming. So I ask, what blogs are you reading still? If you are I’m going to take a guess that they are either home or food blogs, am I right? Just curious, as I move forward with the times (and I do want to), I am trying to figure out what Besotted should be (if anything), just a little ponder…
I. This isn’t new eye candy, but it’s still incredibly creative and smile inducing!
II. I love a nude lip, and word on the street (love her or hate her) is that this is a really, really good one!
III. I am obsessed with this nature docuseries, OBSESSED. I can not believe all the perspectives they were able to capture from literally birds eye views to bees dancing, to snowflakes falling. I can’t even begin to understand how they did it or the time and skill it took to accomplish, just fabulous!
IV. What are your thoughts on this new Synograph process? Yay or nay? I really liked the idea for these found art pieces…I am intrigued…
V. I am still going strong with the 100 day project (100 days of botanicals). I am almost on day 70 and can tell you it has been one of the best creative exercises I’ve done for myself in a long time. I now have a cohesive (ish) body of work that could potentially turn into a portfolio. I can tell you it has been incredibly challenging with an already filled to the brim schedule, but I’ll share some things I think I did right, that have helped me stay on track. I chose a subject that I loved and that was readily available–botanicals. I didn’t limit it to just photographs, I included drawings and paintings (and whatever medium I desire to represent the botanicals). Both these two decisions have made it easier for me to continue to stay motivated and not feel like I am stuck in a creative rut. If you choose to do something like this you don’t need to share with anyone, but I would encourage it, because it has kept be accountable and I have been introduced to some new industries and faces from around the globe and that my friends is very exciting!
photo by tristan b. | shot with iphone | edited with foto rx co. fine art b+w photoshop actions