Another frequent skill wish that we saw was the wish to learn to sing (or be a better singer) and learn how to play guitar (I will soon be teaching myself ukulele). Michelle and I both wondered if singing was innate or if there was a way to develop it, I am pretty hopeless but our research proved it is not an impossibility! Basically if you are not diagnosed tone deaf (often a self misdiagnosis) or are not deaf (but research says that’s changing as well) you can learn to sing! Will you be an award winning, break champagne glass with your high note singer? Probably not, but one never knows until they try!
This fellow has a slew of short easy to follow videos covering everything from vocal exercises to the psychology of singing.
The BBC has a huge series on ‘How to Sing’.
Here’s a series on ‘singing for beginners’ from a celebrity singing coach, some super information in these videos!
Vocalizing is supposedly a great exercise, you can listen to demo’s here.
Berklee school of music is a super well known and respected institute and they offer online vocal courses.
On-line singing class not for you? What about an in-home or studio lesson. TakeLessons might be able to pair you up with someone in your area for a fairly reasonable fee (they also can help you find a teacher to teach you instruments from piano, guitar, drums to ukulele.)
Learn some elite singing techniques that the pros use.
Learn to play guitar in 60 days by playing a video game? That’s a two’fer right there.
Justin Guitar houses over 850 free guitar lessons!
There’s no better person to take a guitar lesson from then someone that has become wildly successful in their craft, right? Learn from professional (and famous) guitarists (over 400,000 people already have!).
Artistworks has free beginner acoustic guitar lessons, I hear a Kinfolk-esque bonfire sing-a-long in your future.
Michelle said her friend learned how to play guitar with the guitar tab method,we linked to the video on how to read guitar tabs and a huge guitar tab resource.
photo by maybelle imasa-stukuls
Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.