Betsy Dunlap Interview Part IIII

Betsy Dunlap Interview Part iiii via Besotted Blog

It’s so hard to say good-bye, this is the last of our interview series

with Betsy Dunlap, I have loved every second of it, I could read a 100 more answers, each one was so thoughtful, you really get a sense of her and why she has achieved so much. We thank her for taking time out of her very busy life to share this interview with us and wish her loads more success in the future!

Can you discuss how your Shanna Murray Project came into fruition?

Shanna approached me back in 2007, to work on some lettering for her logo, and a friendship was born, as well as a collaboration. Hello Handmade was the name of our little studio, and we produced calendars, seasonal prints, and custom valentines for several years together.  It was some of the favorite work I’ve ever done.  I’m sure many calligraphers can attest that it can occasionally be lonely work, in a way, so I really enjoyed collaborating and creating with a dear friend.  We both ultimately got too busy in our personal careers and had to shutter the shop, but I’m so grateful for the friendship that remains.  Shanna is so talented and such a dear heart.

Will you ever be doing any workshops?

I have tentatively talked to some people about offering some workshops here in Tucson, but will probably wait until my babies are a tad older.  I’ll keep you posted!

How to you manage your projects with babies underfoot?

This has been a huge challenge for me.  I obviously can’t have inkwells and nibs lying out with babies around, so I mostly work when they are napping or asleep for the night, and I also have help from several people that occasionally watch them.  I’m still trying to find the perfect balance of working/ being a mama.  I strongly feel I would regret it if I worked full time during their young childhood, as that time cannot be wished back for the world.  So right now, in this season, it just means less free-time for me.  I am usually always working when they are sleeping.

Name one random talent you have that people may not know?

I can play the bass guitar.  And I love quilting- my mind is always swimming with a million quilt projects I wish I had time to execute.

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.