Inspiration Rx Besotted Blog Color Due Alberi

“Her grandmother used to tell her that a pink sky meant someone in the distance had just fallen in love…”

Inspiration Rx : This series is a remedy for blank walls, sparse reading lists, & creative ruts.

This week’s prompt: Color

Is there a color that has popped up in your wardrobe, decor, or even your Pinterest boards recently? The colors we surround ourselves with can speak volumes about our personalities. Pale peachy-pink gets me every time. It feels simultaneously happy and polished, and best of all optimistic. I even campaigned to paint our living room walls a soft pink with grey undertones – but was met with a “please don’t,” can you imagine?

Consider how a specific color, or color combination affects or reflects your mood and the mood of those around you. Try not to get too caught up in color theory, what we really want to know is which color speaks to you and why. Do you have an affinity for neutrals like our beloved Miss B?  Neutrals count too, as long as you take a moment to think about how they make you feel and what makes you love them so.

A special thank you to those of you who generously shared your peaceful moments! We are beginning to think that tranquility is contagious. Take a peek at Catherine’s quiet evening, Karm’s morning ritual (don’t miss her beautiful poem!), Lisa’s cozy moment with her family and the indomitable Uncle Beefy created images so serene and quiet it makes you want to weep. See? Don’t you feel more relaxed already?

Feeling Inspired?

Per usual you have until next Tuesday to share your creations.  If you have not yet joined in the fun, it’s not too late. You are welcome to start here, or catch up on previous prompts. Just to keep things fair, please limit time spent on each prompt to 1 week.

Options for Sharing

Instagram / Twitter : use hashtag #INSPIRATIONRX

Your Blog / Flickr / Pinterest :  please share a link in the comment section of this post.

For an invitation to our group Pinterest board, please leave a link to your Pinterest account in the comments, or email for an invite. *We need to be follow friends on Pinterest in order to get you an invite to the board (we have to follow at least 1 of your boards & you need to follow at least 1 of ours). Remember you can still participate by using the hashtag on Instagram & Twitter or posting a link in the comments of this post.

**Please Note: the group Pinterest board is for your creations only.  If your pin does not reference your work, we will have to remove it. We want your work to be the star!

photo: © Due Alberi

passage: Sarah Addison Allen, The Peach Keeper

Piqued your interest?

Would you like to try your hand at an abstract painting, but don’t know where to start? Take a cue from Picasso’s thoughts on the subject: “There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality.” Try studying a real-life scene like a landscape, or flowers in a vase on the mantle, and boil it down to only colors and forms. If you have access to a camera with manual focus, it could be helpful to blur the focus so you only see colors and vague outlines. Then it’s up to you to edit by deciding on the essential hues, shapes, & lines. This is not cheating! Artists frequently use these sort of references as a starting point. So pick up a canvas and acrylics, or some watercolors and paper if you prefer, and dive in.

If you’d rather have something by our featured artists Due Alberi on your wall, there are tons of reasonably priced originals in their Etsy shop to choose from. The painting above is only $69, an absolute steal for an original piece of artwork. I think that shade of pink is calling my name…

Author / Miss Michelle P.

Miss Michelle P. is a photographer, designer and co-professor for Souvenir Foto School. She lives in the Pacific Northwest. Her muse is light.


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