maybelle calligraphy kit besottedMaybelle Imasa-Stukuls is not only one of my favorite calligraphers but one of my favorite people as well. I am delighted to share her calligraphy kit with you today as a resource for anyone getting started, or those like me that love to have a collection of their fave calligraphers handpick supplies and also include their letterforms to practice.  I have received parcels from Miss Maybelle in the past and I can attest to the quality and sheer delight you will receive upon opening.

Currently Maybelle is at the IAMPETH convention, something I am completely envious about (and any budding calligrapher should consider for the future), but she will be back soon and will be shipping her kits out. If a kit won’t do Maybelle has been teaching around the world so I am sure their will be a live workshop in or near your neck of the woods soon.

For those of you that have started their lettering journey how has it been for you? Found any favorite supplies you would like to share? Any tips you have learned?  I haven’t practiced since before we moved and I am aching to get back to it, I love the meditative state it puts me in, even though I can be very hard on myself if things aren’t going as planned. I can’t wait to get back to it though and hopefully I can find a calligraphy class locally because I do love to learn from individuals that have mastered their craft. I highly recommend taking a formal calligraphy class even if you want to pursue more modern calligraphy styles, it really helps to understand the formations and how you can make them your own.

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to sunny Seattle with her handsome husband and two pups.


Curator Jennie Price Besotted

I think today’s curator Jennie Prince has an incredible eye for subtle beauty. Jennie has an equally beautiful blog Odessa May Society and her boards are a seamless extension of it. I have kept my eye on her for some time now (sounds creepier than it is), and I have watched her become an accomplished photographer (garlic never looked so good, check out the lower right photo) and has completely blossomed as a new mother. Some of her boards that I have found very inspiring are her Just Lovely (and it is), Photo Love, and Delicious (I am obsessed with beautiful food pins).

I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy visiting Jennie’s boards and blog (if you aren’t already a fan). I have another kit for you tomorrow that I think you will love!

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to sunny Seattle with her handsome husband and two pups.


JenHuangGuideCoverI don’t spend my budget on many ‘things’ anymore. When I ran my bi-coastal fashion PR/lifestyle firm all I did was collect the latest shoes, bags, accessories, etc.  I felt like I needed these things to be able to do my job and that was partly true (fashion can be cut throat), but even though I loved helping individuals build their dreams, I felt lacking in the fulfillment department. By nature I am a minimalist and all the ‘stuff’ eventually weighed me down. I left that life behind for a more calm less ‘stuff’ driven me. I hardly shop at all now and when I do I feel like I invest rather than buy things that won’t enhance my life and I can enjoy for years to come (I am always up for a bargain though).  One of my major shifts is what I spend on is investing in my continuing education–I love to take classes, workshops and buy books on whatever subject of the month I have an interest in. It’s a lot less expensive than designer shoes (more comfortable as well) and I never feel buyers remorse like I used to. A few months ago, I had the opportunity and great pleasure to attend photographer Jen Huang’s film photography workshop in Santa Barbara. It was pure bliss for me; I loved the location, the people I met both the behind the scene players (make-up, artists, stylists, etc.), my fellow participants and of course learning from a talent I truly admire. I learned so much in such a short amount of time and will always cherish the experience. Many of you emailed me and asked about the class and wished you could have attended/afforded it especially those overseas. Lucky for us Jen has decided to package her workshop up at a fraction of the price of her live workshops. You can learn all her ‘secrets’  like where she develops her film, what film she prefers, cameras, lenses, and much more.


The workshop-in-a-box comes with a 200 page book filled with beautiful images like the one above, indicating all the settings Jen used to create her beautiful images. If you have been wanting to delve deeper into fine art photography and film than this is a tool I highly recommend to assist you getting to the next level. If you have looked into film photography workshops, you’ll know that they are a pricey investment, this is a true gift to be able to take this workshop from your own home, anywhere in the world at a price that you can most likely recoup in your first client film session!


Let me know if you have any questions about her live workshops, I am happy to answer. Are you taking any classes/workshops this summer? Have you learned something new lately? Read a book on how-to do something? I am always curious about so many subjects and I figure that you are too!


HANG ON FDR QUOTE BESOTTEDI feel like this quote is the equivalent of those 80’s motivational posters with the kitten hanging on a line that reads, ‘just hang in there’, but a dash bit more posh, no?  I have been absent here for a few days, because I had a bit of a rough time this week with my illness. I have had my blood drawn more times in the past few weeks then I have ever had in my lifetime and I am one of those squeamish types when it comes to needles so this has been an exercise in fear fighting 101. To say things have been rough feels like an understatement to me but I know there are many others out there suffering much worse than I am.

I had an appointment with my doctor yesterday and she is of the same mindset that I am that you need to look on the bright side in even the darkest of times. She told me about the author Laura Hillenbrand whom I am a big fan of; I have recommended her book ‘Unbroken’several times, I just love it (incredibly inspiring true story). What I did not know was that she wrote both her best-selling books Seabiscuit and Unbroken from her bed, because she suffers from chronic illness. I figured if Laura could do meticulous research on two 400 page books and have them shoot to the best seller list while not being able to leave her bed, I could at the very least write a post and check in, right? Actually, I think the moral of that story was that just because I am currently sick does not mean I have to give up, which I refuse to do but honestly some days are better than others and I am currently living on a moment by moment basis, acutely aware of those moments mind you. Many of you have written to me sharing your own stories of illness and I have appreciated the honesty and the bravery in doing so. Not one of those that live with a chronic illness that wrote to me victimized themselves or were throwing a pity party for themselves, many have redefined how they live and have been able to flourish and their positivity has helped me immensely. I know that what I have I will not have forever, it is what it is right now and and it is very rare and hard to treat but knowing there is a light at the end of this tunnel is what keeps me going. I promise I will not make this space all about what is going on, I just felt it necessary to pop in, for an explanation, a hello, some gratitude for the kindness of others and a bit of ‘normalcy’. I will be taking the rest of the week off while I recoup, I wish I could tell you I was taking the week off to fly off to an exotic locale, but maybe next year, right? A girl can dream and I shall be doing a lot of that from my mattress and maybe some pinning.

Thank you friends for your kindness + support, enjoy your week and for those in the states happy 4th!


PTR Instant mineral SPF

I spent many years at camp getting horrible sunburns, we all did as the camp was on the beach and we would spend hours in the California sun without any protection.  It was a time when baby oil and foil were used to achieve a golden glow, which never happened of course we were all lobster red and groaning in pain at the end of each day.  We know better now to stay protected, but did you know your sunscreen only lasts up to two hours after application?  That’s right 2 hours!  What are you supposed to do if you aren’t frolicking on a beach where it’s easy to slather sunscreen on? What if you are at work and you have your ‘face’ on for the day and want to go outside for lunch to enjoy the summer sunshine? Are you supposed to re-apply sunscreen over your make-up? Take all you make-up off and re-apply sunscreen and put it all back on? What if you are like me and can’t stand the feel of sunscreen on your skin, no matter what brand you’ve tried? Perhaps I can introduce you to powdered sunscreen?  It’s not for everyone and it has mixed reviews, but I find it super convenient, easy to use and easy to travel with (even if that travel is as glamorous as running errands around town). Bonus, almost all formulas are all natural! I like the Peter Thomas Roth brand, it also now comes in spf 45 (which I use). At the time I bought it, it was the only powdered sunscreen that was easily accessible on the market.  Now you have more options to choose from such as Bare Minerals Natural Sunscreen (it has a tint), a very water resistant formula from Color Science, Jane Iredale Powder me dry Sunscreen , a budget friendly option from Mineral Fusion and there are kids options too.

Have you tried powdered sunscreen?  What are your thoughts?  Did you know that you had to re-apply sunblock so often? Are you as shocked as I was to discover that?

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to sunny Seattle with her handsome husband and two pups.