I have been adding new items to the shop all day, I will share more tomorrow, but I thought I would pop in and show these beauties off since they are limited edition.  I wasn’t sure if the color translated in the photographs but they are a vintage aqua hue which I call ‘map’.  It has a touch of gray in the aqua, I am a bit enamored with the more subtle colors in the spectrum. I hope you like!


I am having my dream city hall wedding dress made (thanks to Miss Jill),  even though it is being made with less than dreamy fabric. I truly could not afford the prices out there for French lace, seriously, the laces I coveted were all over $100. The mid-range laces were a bit better budget wise but they didn’t move me enough to warrant spending more than I did. I found what I believe to be a nice ‘faux’ French lace in a perfectly creamy color and I am hoping in photographs no one will notice that I couldn’t afford the ‘real’ deal. I realized today that I need to find some shoes to go with this dress, shoes that are appropriate for a city hall length dress. I can’t imagine wearing white shoes, or even off-white shoes, I am having a hard time wrapping my head around what that would even look like (I am having horrible 80’s flashbacks white pumps and all). This is the part where I can’t believe I am even saying this to someone other than myself.  The other day Lindsay Lohan was wearing the most darling shoes to court. Yes, Lindsay Lohan.  I loved the vintage inspired Mary Jane style and the peep-toe, they were quietly sexy.  I haven’t been able to find anything similar and my last cry for help was gratefully answered with many a link and email so I am throwing it out there. It seems I don’t have an affinity for wedding attire sleuthing, skinny jeans and budget Anthro inspired blouse shopping is another thing . Everything I seem to like cost more than my rent and well, that’s not an option. So my dears where in the world can I find a shoe like Lilo’s? Oh gosh, I have truly gone over the deep end….


I know I will be probably be arrested by the internet police and thrown into blogger prison without a key for not giving proper photo credit, but I honestly couldn’t find a source for this image.  I tried, yes indeed I did, but even a thorough photo credit seeker such as myself gives up sometimes.  I gave up for the better good of the people, that’s right, that’s what I will say when I am in front of the interweb judge that scowls at me for not trying hard enough and shakes their fat little finger in my shamed face. As I hang my head low, I will repeat my mantra, ‘I did it for the better good of the people’.  ‘What’s that? The judge will hiss, and I will explain that the world is a better, more happy place because even though I couldn’t find photo credit I unleashed this puppy’s mug on to the information super highway, myself and Japanese tween girls everywhere are giggling with unbridled delight and for that I am not sorry. If you would like more of the above visit this girl, she’s pretty delightful too.

P.S. Sara from Matchbox Kitchen kindly found the photographer–the incomparable Sharon Montrose.



It’s been raining here the past couple of days, which is so odd since just Thursday it was sunny, and Africa hot. I don’t mind the rain, in fact I adore it, my three pound white, fluffy dog doesn’t share my same affinity for an occasional downpour it’s akin to taking a bath outside, which she doesn’t care for. I have lost my umbrella, which is not unusual at all as I seem to leave a rogue umbrella wherever I am in the world. I am considering purchasing a more expensive umbrella next time as I have a theory on expensive (useful) accessories that I would like to put to the test.  You see I used to lose my sunglasses all the time too, but on my 30th birthday my Godparent’s but me a very expensive pair of Chanel sunglasses (very expensive). I won’t go into how old I am now, but suffice to say that I have kept them for this entire time (eternity) without a scratch or loss to my name. I am thinking if I invest in say an umbrella like the one above, than perhaps I will be less likely to leave it somewhere willy nilly. What do you think?  Do you think the same theory would not apply to umbrella’s?  Would some other lovely end up with a new, beautiful designer umbrella whilst I get sopping wet in the rain ?  Don’t even get me started on my pining for designer Wellies….


I have had some pretty amazing orders lately.  I received a mention from Frankie magazine, an Australian publication (you know how I  love me some Aussie design, right?), okay, technically not the magazine but the newsletter, but who cares?  It’s Frankie and I am beyond grateful.  I had a moment to catch my breath from packing and was wondering why no one was ordering one of my favorite stamps.  How could I be the only one that loves it so?  It’s not possible, right?  Right.  I, the genius that I am did not add it to the site.  So on this glorious (and obviously wild) Saturday night, I styled, shot, edited and uploaded said fave stamp, so now we can all enjoy it. Phew.