It’s been raining here the past couple of days, which is so odd since just Thursday it was sunny, and Africa hot. I don’t mind the rain, in fact I adore it, my three pound white, fluffy dog doesn’t share my same affinity for an occasional downpour it’s akin to taking a bath outside, which she doesn’t care for. I have lost my umbrella, which is not unusual at all as I seem to leave a rogue umbrella wherever I am in the world. I am considering purchasing a more expensive umbrella next time as I have a theory on expensive (useful) accessories that I would like to put to the test.  You see I used to lose my sunglasses all the time too, but on my 30th birthday my Godparent’s but me a very expensive pair of Chanel sunglasses (very expensive). I won’t go into how old I am now, but suffice to say that I have kept them for this entire time (eternity) without a scratch or loss to my name. I am thinking if I invest in say an umbrella like the one above, than perhaps I will be less likely to leave it somewhere willy nilly. What do you think?  Do you think the same theory would not apply to umbrella’s?  Would some other lovely end up with a new, beautiful designer umbrella whilst I get sopping wet in the rain ?  Don’t even get me started on my pining for designer Wellies….

7 thoughts on “IT’S RAINING, IT’S POURING….

  1. Hello!
    I share your theory about investing in accesories. If they are expensive, you usually try to be more careful and they last longer.
    I love your blog. Sorry if my English is not very good.


  2. stunning umbrella! I totally want it as well, (although it will be snowing here rather than raining soon). I used to loose sunglasses like they were free, but then I indulged in a pair of tom ford glasses 6 years ago, and although they are now totally out of fashion, i still have and love them. I do think we are more careful with things we truly love.
    PS, I eloped almost 7 years ago, best decision we made. :) best of luck with everything!

  3. Sara, your English is perfect;)

    Rori, I love the snow (when I am indoors of course), working in the snow is not fun. I was on a business trip to NYC once and going from meeting to meeting, it was so cold that my mole fell off–no joke. Yea for eloping!

    Kayla, I appreciate your agreeing with me, now when I buy it I will tell the Fancy that Kayla forced me too, lol.

    Heather I can’t address your comment because I am leaving my blog now to follow your link….

  4. I was just thinking about this as well because I was caught in the downpour on Friday. I could have bought a decent one right away but instead walked to my car in the rain because I’ve adopted the philosophy of “don’t buy anything unless you absolutely love it.” If the item is something I adore and paid a pretty penny on top of that, I definitely won’t be forgetting it anywhere or treating it poorly. And yes, I also have a pair of Chanel sunglasses that are still scratch free, even at 5 years old!

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