Age of Grace | Linda Rodin

Linda Rodin Age of Grace via Besotted Blog

I think one does feel more liberated and independent when one gets older. More honest and open with yourself and others

It seems to me that there are more and more women that are appearing in the media that are beautiful, intelligent, dynamic and ageless. Last week marked a month until a very big birthday for me. If I had to wrap my mind around the number I would probably be hiding under the covers, huddled in the fetal position, rocking slowly and mumbling nonsensically. Part of birthday’s and aging, at least for me is evaluating what I have accomplished thus far and although I am a natural optimist, I do find myself feeling like I have come up short and should have a lot more to show for all my hard work. The clock feels like it’s ticking rapidly (think time bomb) and I feel like I need to do X, Y, Z before the uhm end. I know dramatic, right? But that’s my truth right now, I suppose in a way, it is what keeps me motivated and  striving for more and by ‘more’ I don’t mean ‘things’, but experiences. After all, you cannot take the Rolls Royce or mansion with you.

We thought it would be apropos this week to feature women that are not only aging gracefully, but are kicking butt doing it. The gorgeous Linda Rodin featured, is 67 years old, she launched her beauty line only a mere 8 years ago and sold it to Estee Lauder recently if that isn’t a story to get you out of the, ‘I’m too old to…’ mentality I don’t know what will (hopefully more stories like this). We love Rodin’s super chic style (she was a fashion editor at Harper’s Bazaar at one time), it suits her perfectly, although both Michelle and I wouldn’t mind emulating some of her looks. In fact, there are legions of young women that love her style and want to be Ms. Rodin when they ‘grow up’. I say why wait? The time is now to pursue your goals + dreams, yes, right now! What will I be pursuing after this little motivational kick in the pants? I do have a lot lined up currently. I was feeling a little desperate, but desperate isn’t always a bad place to be, it can be exactly what you need. I love this quote by Tom Robbins:

In life you need either inspiration or desperation.
Well, I currently have the desperation bit covered, so this series will hopefully give myself (and hopefully you) some inspiration!
Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.

8 thoughts on “Age of Grace | Linda Rodin

  1. It’s such a relief to hear of others in my same boat. I have a similar birthday that just passed and I ignored it and have tried not to think about it. Because of that, I had started collecting images and stories of people who have started new adventures later in life. I have the desperation thing covered, too. I’m needing to be inspired by ladies like this in hopes that I can become one, too. When my blog facelift is up and running, I think I’ll do this, too, and post about all the inspirational women I’ve uncovered. There are so many more than I would have thought!

  2. Coming at this from the perspective of all of my 59 years I applaud the stance. I realize more and more that there is so little out there to validate and inspire women of my age and older. Little to help us know how to ‘act our age’, to feel comfortable in our somewhat looser skin and proud of the wisdom that experience has afforded us. Age is inevitable but also enviable if approached with respect instead of pretence that time has not passed. Thanks for the series and good luck with the big birthday. Good things are coming. Trust me.

  3. Cheri, I agree, there really is so little, but I think we will see more and more ‘role models’ now and I think people will start embracing it more instead of turning themselves into scary versions of themselves trying to achieve some strange version of youth. I have to say I am a FIRM believer in feeling young, age as a number, I am personally planning to forget my number, lol.

  4. Nikkol, I think you absolutely should! I think the world needs more stories like this circulating, more interviews, more, more! It’s so hard to find older role models, because so many people are down on their age or have become resigned, but these stories are like a second, third, fourth, etc. chance and a breath of fresh air. I am totally planning to forget my birthday, lol:) COngrats on the birthday and the new blog face lift!

  5. Hi Tristan,
    May I ask you what font you used in the AGE of GRACE title graphic? I like, like, LOVE it!
    Thx, Sofia

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