It feels like fall is in the air, crisp breezes, falling leaves, cozy sweaters and Inktober! For those that aren’t familiar with Inktober it is 31 days of inky illustration goodness! We are going to give you 5 Inktober inspired favorites that should get you motivated to participate.
I. Inktober was started by Jake Parker a working illustrator, to improve his inking skills. It has since blossomed into a worldwide community of artists that share their work in ink everyday for the month of October. Here are the rules + 2018 prompts. We decided to go rogue and take it one day at a time with our theme, we have the loose theme of ‘things that I saw today’. (Thus the pigeon;)
II. We are doing our first sale EVER on Lettering Rx. It’s what I use to quickly clean + digitize my line drawings. I honestly don’t think I could participate in any of these challenges if I didn’t have it. Use the code TAKE10 (good for the entire month of October).
III. I recently took a class by the famed art agent Lilla Rogers and she promotes using tools that feel good to you. I would put sumi ink high on my list of feel goods. I love the way it moves, the smell, the richness of it. I have actually broken out my calligraphy nibs to draw, these are hands down my favorite for drawing with.
IV. For those that need an extra dose of inspiration, artist Lisa Congdon is doing a daily Inktober challenge on Creative Bug. I’ve already learned some cool techniques, she’s truly inspiring and a great teacher.
V. We compiled a list of alternate prompts if you feel like you would like a prompt list but aren’t inspired by the ‘official’ one. Prompt list Black cat inspired. | Mossery Co. list | Bookish prompts. And for good measure this artist who doesn’t work in ink is doing ‘Goauche-tober’.
Have fun! We can’t wait to see what you create!