We are so thrilled by the response we have had to our Fine Art B+W Photoshop actions, these truly will be your go to set for creating B+W conversions that are print worthy. We are excited by the idea of how timeless these editing tools are to create that perfect memory encapsulated. I am about the pickiest person ever when it comes to my conversions and all the ones I have had printed have met my expectations or exceeded them. We did a lot of test printing in-house with a professional Epson printer, but we also sent out to the famed Richard’s Photo lab in Los Angeles, (the one that Jose Villa and Elizabeth Messina use, and just about every other fine art photographer), all of the prints we got back were just beautiful. Some of you may be wondering what types of images convert best to black and white and we created a quick little video that should help. As always if you have any questions, just leave them in the comments or send us an email, if you have any questions on any of our editing sets we are happy to answer!
What type of image makes the best b+w conversion video
Foto Rx Co. Fine Art B+W Photoshop actions
Photo edited with ‘Modern B+W’
photo by tristan b.