Foto Rx 52:: Light patterns

light-pattern-lines-M-bw-classic-1080 (1)

This week our prompt for our Foto Rx 52 photo project is a most magical one indeed–light patterns. You may have noticed them in your every day and not given much thought to them, but we urge you to stop and capture these ephemeral beauties. We are going to link to some artists that have really harnessed these bits of light and added them to their portfolio of creativity, we hope you do too!

It’s not too late to start your Foto Rx 52, shooting consistently will be the fastest way to becoming a better photographer. Follow us on Instagram for more inspo and edit examples. Shoot this week’s prompt and use #fotorx52 so we can find you and cheer you on (also feel free to borrow our hashtags so other people can find you!).


It has become a signature for this photographer
Light works by James Henkel
Abstract art at in it’s purest form

A master of the austere
We loved this image

photo by michelle p.

Besotted with…Friday Faves


Oh, hello there! Super excited to share some favorites this week, real treasures and an extra dose of creative inspo for all the artists (and wanna be artists) out there, you’re welcome…

I. We discovered a master silhouette artist, a trail blazer for her time, you need to take a look at her little animated film and be wowed how on trend it looks. Note all the animation is actually stopmotion, which means she had to create cut outs for each minute frame by frame, pure magic!

II. Are you looking for an eco-minimalist villa to rent in the Italian countryside? Me too, try this one.

III. Just when you are bemoaning all the good ideas are taken for an art series someone comes up with something so clever that you slap your forehead and say, ‘why didn’t I think of that?’

IV. Many moons ago we did a Pinterest curator feature with this talented lady, now she has gone to eclipse even the most popular of social media superstars and is sharing her business secrets and so are her legions of friends in a new podcast call Raw Milk, totally worth a listen!

V. I am loving this summer dress, a little spendy, but if I amortize the wears I’ll get out of it?

P.S. Image featured from my 100 day project, I am on 40/100 and still going strong!

Besotted with…Friday Faves!

Dead rose i by tristan b.

If you love art, mystery and an element of surprise do watch Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable, DO NOT read or watch a trailer, Michelle and I loved it!

An underwater museum with positive ecological impact? Inspired!

Michelle recently received samples from this line of mineral makeup, you add your favorite oil to the powder to get a great a liquid foundation. I loved the idea and decided to try it with my current mineral makeup and guess what?  It works!  I am so excited by this discovery!

We just got this book in for my Little and it’s just wonderfully illustrated with lots of little flaps to flip, a great book to gift!

Aaron Brother’s is going out of business and many of their art supplies are up to 60% off! I just got two brushes that I have wanted to add to my watercolor arsenal for a while now (a filbert and straight brush). You will need to go directly to a store as the sale does not extend to on line purchases.  They are also doing a 1 cent frame sale, their last one so load up on those frames!

P.S. Image shown is for my 100 day project, still going strong! Edited with Foto Rx Co. Stockholm | Clean x Minimal. I use this editing action set more than any other for my Instagram feed, get muted tones and bright whites, adjust to your taste to make it your own. I added a ‘crushed whites’ layer from the set to get that filmic look and added grain from our new B+W Fine Art Set and done!

Photo prompt Foto RX 52 :: On black

Pear with shadow on dark by michelle p. via besotted

Our prompt this week for our Foto Rx Co. weekly prompt is ‘on black’. We want you to get dark + dramatic with your subject. You can shoot in color or do a B+W conversion (like we will be doing). This assignment relies on finding interesting light to make your subject stand out. You can choose everyday simple objects like this pear but a portrait would be equally as stunning. Think outside the box, we think you will be pleasantly surprised by what you can create with such simple subjects and the right light (even Ipad light could work, get creative!).

It’s not too late to start your Foto Rx 52, shooting consistently will be the fastest way to becoming a better photographer. Follow us on Instagram for more inspo and edit examples. Shoot this week’s prompt and use #fotorx52 so we can find you and cheer you on (also feel free to borrow our hashtags so other people can find you!).


Image edited with B+ W Fine Art Photoshop actions (edited with Charcoal)

Edited in Photoshop CC

Some inspiration + resources:

Shooting dark & dramatic with Iphone

Shooting in low light

The queen of dark backgrounds and florals (on an Iphone no less)

Shooting on the invisible black backdrop

Animals on black by Brad Wilson


Photo prompt Foto Rx 52 :: Eye Contact

Photo by Valeria Spring edited with Foto Rx B+W Fine Art actions

Our prompt this week for our Foto Rx 52 is ‘eye contact’. With most photos of individuals we like the capture to feel organic (fly on the wall), but there is something to be said about creating that intimate connection with the subject. This is more challenging than it may seem. Photographer Val Spring (the featured image), has mastered the art of the connection. We hope you give it a try so you can too! We have included inspiration + resources below to help you achieve this. Of course the best way to master a skill is to practice, practice and more practice.

It’s not too late to start your Foto Rx 52, shooting consistently will be the fastest way to becoming a better photographer. Follow us on Instagram for more inspo and edit examples. Shoot this week’s prompt and use #fotorx52 so we can find you and cheer you on (also feel free to borrow our hashtags so other people can find you!).


Image edited with B+ W Fine Art Photoshop actions 

Edited in Photoshop CC

Some inspiration + resources:

Val Spring

Peter Lindbergh

Captivating eye contact photos

3 types of eye contact

Eye contact and street photography