A Cook’s Remedy by Aran Goyoaga

A cook's remedy by aran goyoaga via besottedblo

“Food has played a complex role in my life. Having grown up in my grandparent’s pastry shop in the Basque Country, there was a natural familiarity around food. In my youth, I turned toward this comfort to quell my anxieties. In my twenties, I developed a secret eating disorder that led me to isolation but beautifully, it was this same relationship with food, that lead me toward health: I realized that cooking for other people was in fact my way out of isolation and depression. Later on I became a professional pastry chef and food stylist. As a blogger and photographer, I found an outlet to obsess over food in a new and balanced way. And now, by using food as a medium, I am able to explore my life and those around me through cooking. This video series explores this relationship of food and community.”  –Aran Goyoaga

Michelle mentioned blogger/chef Ara Goyoaga new video series ‘A Cook’s Remedy’ and although I am not wont for more distractions, I had to immediately hop on over and see what all the fuss was about. Insert a nice long exhale here. What beauty!  These wonderful little videos will make you wish you could come hang in the PNW with Aran.  The videos are wonderful little gems, full of honesty, beauty and inspiration. They are well worth taking a little break and visiting if you are in the market for a little repast from all the angsty news, we are wishing Aran a ton of success on this new project and can’t wait for more episodes to come out!


A Cooks Remedy

Cannelle et Vanille

edited using Foto Rx color overlays

Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.


Photographer Rodney Smith Dies December 2016


Michelle and I are inspired by many things, which we often share with you here, it is our shared love of photography that brought us together. There is a photographer that both makes our heart beat a little faster, someone who’s work is something to aspire to and that is the work of photographer Rodney Smith. It’s hard to articulate exactly how I feel, but every time I see his work I want to figure out how to access a chateau. Mr. Smith’s work is refined, elegant, and charming, it is the kind of work that feels timeless even though it is evocative of another time. The compositions may feel simple but every detail is precise. I just love it.

Michelle and I had read that he had a workshop coming and it was on our wishlist to attend in 2017, a dream for sure but we all need goals, right?  It is with heavy heart that it was announced that Mr. Smith had passed away December 5, 2016, he was only 68 years old, a vibrant 68, definitely it seemed full of life. It is very sad news indeed, we know his legacy will go on and we hope that if you were unfamiliar with his work that this is a happy discovery. We hope that Mr. Smith has a long legacy and delights you as much as he has us and millions of others. We have listed some resources for further research. Enjoy!


Rodney Smith site

Podcast interview (recent)

Narrative Portraiture with Rodney Smith (an online class)

Rodney Smith Photographs

Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.

Attracting the clients/life you want


The post title may seem a bit ambitious, but we always like to share what we have learned, especially since we seem to learn everything the hard way. We take the long road, no stops or short cuts and sometimes the reality of how we could have done things strikes many moons down the road. We will offer the abbreviated version so you can bypass all the detritus and actually have success a heck of a lot sooner (things we wished others would have shared with us!)Read More

Digital Cyanotypes


A few months ago Michelle and I decided to focus.  We are way behind on sharing exactly what that focus is, because we have been too busy focusing to come up for air on that, but we shall! I did want to share with you a little update on the ‘fruits’ of our focus. This month, with a solid (uhm, solid for us) focus we have created two new Photoshop action sets for Foto Rx, another two creative sets to launch in November, we finished recording our second Skillshare class, we are almost ready to launch our new site (!) and we have a pretty thorough plan laid out for at least the next quarter with products and classes, and we have worked tirelessly on a top secret project that is launching early next year. All that crammed into only two day a week work weeks. We are both tired and pretty proud, previously just a small portion of that list would have taken us at least an entire summer to complete, so if you ask me if this focusing is paying off I am going to give it a thumbs up. We have been a million times more productive and in turn we have seen even in this small amount of time a shift in what our potential revenue could be (a heck of a lot more than it was with all of scattered projects). It’s all very exciting and we want to share more soon for those still struggling with this! And now a little drum roll for our new release today…Read More

Creative Experimentation

Dinner plate dahlia via besotted blog

Michelle and I are finally on the other side of our focus angst (we promise to share the step-by-step on how we got here). One of the most exciting results of this is that we have freed up a ton of mental bandwith and you know what? We are both feeling more creative than we have in years! I have to say being able to pour our creative energy into one thing instead of spreading it amongst a million little things has been an eye opener. I have always succumbed to my every interest and whimsy and they have been far and wide with no real connectors except for maybe me sharing them here on the blog with you. We have been doing a ton of experimentation with different techniques, just trying to think as outside the box as possible and not worrying if the results will be a success. Happily we have had a bunch of little victories and it makes us feel like we are ‘on to something’. We even have a new Foto Rx Photoshop action set that we think will bring out the inner artist in you, we can’t wait to share it! We just finished the first beta action on it today, we were giving ourselves high fives all around (in our new studio space that is oh, so very beautiful, thank you very much). We hope we are not being too evasive with you right now, we definitely will share our focus decision soon and we do hope that we can help others that are struggling as well to find that mental sigh of relief.

P.S. If you want to be the first one to know about the upcoming new FotoRx Photoshop action release (it will be a goody) and be privy to amazing freebies and tutes than sign-up here to be in the know!

P.P.S. We will be giving away free sets to a few lucky winners on our mailing list when it’s closer to launch date!
