Michelle and I are inspired by many things, which we often share with you here, it is our shared love of photography that brought us together. There is a photographer that both makes our heart beat a little faster, someone who’s work is something to aspire to and that is the work of photographer Rodney Smith. It’s hard to articulate exactly how I feel, but every time I see his work I want to figure out how to access a chateau. Mr. Smith’s work is refined, elegant, and charming, it is the kind of work that feels timeless even though it is evocative of another time. The compositions may feel simple but every detail is precise. I just love it.
Michelle and I had read that he had a workshop coming and it was on our wishlist to attend in 2017, a dream for sure but we all need goals, right? It is with heavy heart that it was announced that Mr. Smith had passed away December 5, 2016, he was only 68 years old, a vibrant 68, definitely it seemed full of life. It is very sad news indeed, we know his legacy will go on and we hope that if you were unfamiliar with his work that this is a happy discovery. We hope that Mr. Smith has a long legacy and delights you as much as he has us and millions of others. We have listed some resources for further research. Enjoy!
Narrative Portraiture with Rodney Smith (an online class)
Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.
Nice tribute but please correct date of death…The proper date is Dec. 5, 2016. Regards….