A few months ago Michelle and I decided to focus. We are way behind on sharing exactly what that focus is, because we have been too busy focusing to come up for air on that, but we shall! I did want to share with you a little update on the ‘fruits’ of our focus. This month, with a solid (uhm, solid for us) focus we have created two new Photoshop action sets for Foto Rx, another two creative sets to launch in November, we finished recording our second Skillshare class, we are almost ready to launch our new site (!) and we have a pretty thorough plan laid out for at least the next quarter with products and classes, and we have worked tirelessly on a top secret project that is launching early next year. All that crammed into only two day a week work weeks. We are both tired and pretty proud, previously just a small portion of that list would have taken us at least an entire summer to complete, so if you ask me if this focusing is paying off I am going to give it a thumbs up. We have been a million times more productive and in turn we have seen even in this small amount of time a shift in what our potential revenue could be (a heck of a lot more than it was with all of scattered projects). It’s all very exciting and we want to share more soon for those still struggling with this! And now a little drum roll for our new release today…
Today we are launching our Digital Cyanotype Effect Photoshop Action Set. Michelle and I had a blast creating this set, because it gave us the opportunity to do one of our favorite things and that’s breaking out our art supplies! We spent hours pouring over Cyanotypes, which is an alternative photo process which creates a traditional blue toned image from a negative. After much research we found many variations on the process via toning with things as simple as coffee and tea and decided to include those effects in the set as well as we were really drawn to the more obscure tones. To create our textures we used artist grade materials (paints, brushes, references) and fine watercolor papers for a truly authentic feel. The best part is the experimentation, when we sent it out to beta testers they almost all used the set differently than we originally intended and ended up with some curiously wonderful outcomes, it even inspired us to go back and try what they did. We think this set has a ton of opportunity for an artist to create their own ‘stamp’ on the effects and we are hoping we see lots of individuals create beautiful artwork for themselves, clients and even for resale! We hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions let us know!
P.S. If you aren’t already on the list, we are always doing things like giving away free sets and actions, in fact we created a little freebie for this launch that you just may enjoy…
Digital Cyanotype Photoshop action Set
Digital Cyanotype Lived Edit video
How to load a Photoshop action
Anna Atkins biography (free on Kindle!)
Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.