Two! Two more days until the Rare Bird Font Foundry launches? I am getting both extremely nervous and extremely excited! It’s like all the major holidays rolled up into one big day, complete with all the pre-stress related with said holiday. Feel free to leave us a note and let us know that we aren’t just sitting here ‘talking’ to ourselves. I am dying to have blogging be how it used to be, where people actually left you little notes and gave you virtual high-fives and all that jazz. I want to be able to share my excitement without feeling like a used car salesman, because I am so excited and I know the fonts are going to be an incredible addition to many designer’s arsenals, an addition that will make for some very happy clients. Happy clients + Happy designers = Success! And we totally want you to be successful! I’ll make this post quick, because basically I am starting to hyperventilate (in a good way, if that’s possible?)
I have been counting down with you! Super excited!
Oh, Carrie, thank you, thank you for your note and support!