I can’t find the perfect (read almost free) industrial lamp for my studio space so I Googled ‘cheap industrial lamps’ and this awesome DIY popped up. I have always abhorred naked bulbs, that is until the Edison bulbs came on the scene (or should I write came back on the scene), those I can get behind, bare  bulb and all. I think these would look great in a cluster as a mock chandelier.  I took the liberty to track down some resources for all of you industrial light enthusiasts. Let me know if you make one (or twelve,) I would love to see!


  1. Kara has those cage cover things! She sold them at her event back in September. I still want some but hubby said to wait till i had a place to use them. Gotta come up with one! Kara – get them on Etsy!!! you need to sell them:) But save me some -heehee:)

  2. Seems like a cool project but you should know that that site uses other peoples content without their permission or linking back (i saw my photos on there and they refuse to remove them or add a source credit even after I pointed out the issue). Not cool.

    I have no idea if this project is their own or not.

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