I sent my lovely friend Jules these candles the other day as part of her birthday gift, they are test candles for the upcoming launch of the Besotted Brand apothecary offerings. I made a batch for a charity sale I committed to a few weeks back. When I agreed to participate I was under the delusional impression that I would be able to launch a new business, get married and create an entire line of apothecary offerings in 8 weeks. Unfortunately, math has never been my strong suit. I wasn’t ready for the sale, or as ready as my perfectionist self would have preferred, after all it took me three years to launch a business that I thought I would launch, uh, three years ago, I wanted everything to be perfect when I launched when I know (perfectly) well that nothing is perfect. I have been playing with variations on the packaging, I sourced the best glass it’s thick, really thick (completely recycled), I am sure the mailman thought I was sending Jules an anvil or something. So you have this heavy glass with over half a pound of the finest hand-poured natural wax in each container and you have something that is going to cost you a gold eye-tooth if you want it sent internationally.  There’s also over an ounce of essential oil and parfum grade fragrance oil in each pound of wax, so that makes them too expensive to sell retail. Sigh.  The concept for the first offerings of the apothecary are nature identical scents, I have worked tirelessly for years (yes, years) to create some of these offerings.  I am pretty convinced that you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between my tuberose fragrance and a cut tuberose if you were blindfolded and walked into a tuberose sniff test. My gardenia needs work, but it’s not too bad as far as scents go, it needs to be creamier but it’s this close. One of the candles I made was Meyer lemon, it’s really fresh and doesn’t have that synthetic note of cleaning solution that you often get when trying to work with lemon. I am coo coo for Clementines, that smell to me is the equivalent of happy, it’s one of the only essential oils that I work with that actually smells like the source it came from. Rose is eluding me, one day I shall conquer it and make something bright and fresh and in one fell swoop dispel the ‘old lady’ reputation that rose parfum has. It’s a process my friends, Rome wasn’t built in a day and if I was in control of that project, well Rome would still be just a twinkle in Italy’s eye.


  1. They all sound really lovely. The best rose product I’ve ever found and I’m picky believe me, is a bath oil by REN take a sniff if you can.
    Jane x

  2. Thank you Jane, I shall go take a sniff;)

    Miss Jill if you would like to be one of my testers let me know via email, I have some mild requirements, but I have a little list going of wonderful ladies that have agreed to be my beauty Guinea pigs:)


    Miss B.

  3. I’m so proud of you! I cannot wait to make my first order…..and would also LOVE to be a tester for you! <3 I miss having blog time to stalk you....

  4. Can I put you on my wedding registry? We don’t need a new blender or fine china, but a Meyer lemon or gardenia candle? YES PLEASE!

    I’m so excited for all the wonderful things that are happening for you.

  5. Lynne, I take that as a high compliment from you, I know you have a discerning eye;) I am SO happy you are enjoying your stamps too, send me pics of anything you create.

    Rachel as soon as my new bacth is ready these anvils are coming your way for testing, so gift away (but make sure they give us notes!).

    Mrs. Soup I have all my testers (for now) but if anyone should drop out I will be emailing you!

    Toi, girl you just need to give me your new address and you know I will send you the world on a silver platter, I HEART you so! I am out of my mind happy for you and Lucy!


    Miss B.

  6. With your attention to detail, they’re going to be worth every cent (no pun intended). Five, ten years ago, I feel the idea of taking time to create was still considered a fact of life. Now taking time is a luxury the Info Age doesn’t offer. So, take your time, be happy knowing you’re holding onto traditions that are disappearing so quickly. Can’t wait for that Meyer lemon!

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