I have been starting and stopping on an updated blog design for what seems like ions now. I know I am missing out on some sweet, sweet functionality but I can not make up my mind.  If I were one of my clients I would have figured it out day one, but having the entire stratosphere of design at my fingertips makes me quite indecisive for myself.  One of the biggest complaints I get via email (besides being chastised for my poor grammar) is that I don’t have easily accessible links–you can’t subscribe to my blog nor can you find me elsewhere unless I make a big to-do of it. I was playing around with creating some social icons and of course started my usual course of procrastination and ended up making a free download for you instead. The zipped file is all individual png’s with a transparent background so you could in essence one-click change the color and pattern if you knew how to do so, (I pinky promise I will record a video tutorial for that for my new top secret editorial position…).  Enough of that, you want to know how you can get your hands on these right?  Well, you can just go here.  Psst-the image is just to give you a peek, the icons are much smaller in the file and there is no drop shadow.


  1. Thank you Scarlett! I want to make it MUCH easier to find things and leave comments etc. Also, for people to subscribe if they are so inclined. Good luck on the installation!

    Your so welcome Amy! Did I miss an icon? You know I am not that social media savvy so if there is an icon that needs to be added let me know:)

  2. Oh, this is perfect for my site!! I’ve been needing updated icons. Now my only issue is figuring out how to get them on there. ;)

  3. Gorgeous!

    And I may just have a friend come down and tackle you and steal your WordPress Password so I can go in and fix it for you. :p If only to let you sleep at night!

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