As soon as I got back on my feet this weekend I started a cleaning frenzy of epic proportions.  My studio which I usually straighten up before I leave each night was a mess of papers, pens and other ephemera from the night I came down with influenza (yes, I like to call it that, it sounds as scary as it was). I needed to get organized and that I did. As I was cleaning out some boxes I found a stack of antique natural history plates that I have been meaning to scan for you for the longest time.  I didn’t scan them all but a nice amount (I will finish the second half soon, pinky promise), all super hi-res to use in your personal projects. For those wondering what you might do with such things, really the limit is only your imagination but since I love to read I made a set into bookplates for you to print, it’s 8 designs from botanicals to butterflies.  I have also updated all the links on the download page so you shouldn’t have any trouble downloading your heart out.  Have fun!

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to the country with her handsome husband and two pups.


  1. Wow – these are beautiful! Vintage botanical images are one of my obessions – or really any sort of vintage educational charts. Thanks so much for sharing these! :)

  2. I just want to thank you for the inspiration that you provide. I am a working mom of three who has had such a passion for art and hand lettering. I recently came across your blog and I have been inspired to pick up the craft again. You make it so easy to jump into it without fear of failure and your posts are so informative. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  3. LOVE these :) i regularly find myself buying stacks of old books anywhere they may be for sale…way too often. well, the other day i was reading one of these books and noticed the quirkiest little bookplate on the front cover. i think we should bring them back! people took pride in their books back then…hardbacks were treasured. anyways, thanks for helping me dress my library up a bit! you’re the best :)

  4. Thank you Sara, I love all the vintage botanicals as well, just so beautiful. I also am crazy about antique maps, just LOVE!

  5. Sirisha, your note made me so happy! I love that I inspired you to try something creative. I think we all need a creative outlet and I love lettering so much and don’t want it to die so if I have contributed to another person picking up pen and paper I am thrilled!

  6. Jillian I am crazy for bookplates, even though to be honest I don’t loan my books out usually but I just love how genteel it feels to have them, lol.

  7. I can imagine, I can totally see you as a map collector, especially with your love for letterpress.

  8. It’s been a while Tristan,… but I’m always lurking around these beautiful parts of yours! I just love these antique book plates. Thank you for sharing them, you’re so generous (and talented!).

  9. Maybe I am doing something wrong…but when I click on the link to to download, I receive an error message that “The user hosting this content is out of bandwidth.” I went to the downloads page and this happened with every single download item. Just FYI :)

  10. Hi there-

    Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I cannot download any of the free downloads:( I even created a box account and nothing happens when I click the download button for anything. Please help! Your work is so lovely that I’d love to share it with others and use :) xo

  11. Hi Rose, when you can’t download it means we surpassed our bandwith for the month, it resets at the beginning of each month, so try again then:)

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