This is Jenny Batt the mastermind behind the blog Hank + Hunt.  You may have already pinned a zillion of her D.I.Y.’s she’s pretty clever + crafty (and busy).  I have wanted to recommend her blog previously, not that I am in the habit of recommending blogs, but Jenny’s got a great voice and is just so darn creative.  When I went to do this last time it looked like Jenny was going to stop blogging and then I thought, what horrible timing I have.  She since has continued her blogging journey and I am so glad she has! Look at that photo, why wouldn’t you want to read a blog by such a pretty, happy lady?  One of my favorite things about her blog is how honest she is; she shares her sources, her secrets and frustrations and it makes her so much more real and accessible. It reminds me of the bloggers of yore who let you in on their lives so you didn’t feel like they had everything perfectly ‘together’.  I have no idea why this industry has become about the ‘Jones’ who can do bigger, better more whatever, but Jenny brings it back, makes the D.I.Y.’s easy enough that even the novice crafter can partake and have success. I read an interview recently from a big blogger that said blogging is dying, that it’s a chore for her and the blogging world is over saturated, she wouldn’t recommend anyone start a blog now.  When I read a blog like Jenny’s I am glad she doesn’t subscribe to this ‘big bloggers’ philosophy, because I think everyone has a unique perspective and I am grateful that people like Jenny are taking the time to create interesting and exciting content.  It’s fun to discover a new favorite blog and want to Pin or (bookmark for the old school) every.single. post.  I hope you go visit Hank + Hunt and add it to your weekly reads, it sure would be nice to have her stick around a wee bit longer.
P.S. Jenny just added a visual search to her blog for her amazing DIY’s!

5 thoughts on “HANK + HUNT

  1. Well said Miss B., seems like everyone and their mother has a blog and for many it is a chore, which is a shame. I like knowing that not everyone is perfect and has it totally together. It makes people more accessible as you said and we all have a unique voice. Thanks so much for introducing Jenny and her blog, what fun!

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