I have tried many different methods of cleaning my red rubberstamps and the one above is the easiest, fastest and the least amount of mess. My secret? I use an unscented baby wipe! It must be unscented as fragrance will deteriorate your stamp and it must be a baby wipe, as anti-bacterial type wipes or other cleaning wipes have solvents that again break down your red rubber which is a natural substance. The baby wipes have glycerin in them which not only cleans the stamp but conditions it as well. The baby wipes work really well to clean multiple types of ink but I mainly stick to pigment inks since it has such a large range of what you can stamp on. The trick here is to dab at your stamp rather than rubbing your wipe side-to-side, you want to avoid leaving any fibers on the stamp surface which could effect your future stamping endeavors. If you want to keep your stamps like new (which will result in a better stamped impression) clean them after every use, with the wipes this makes this once cumbersome task pretty effortless!
Let me know if you have any questions or if you have another way that you think might be better. Oh, and I don’t know how this would work on clear stamps, they are made of polymer so I think it would be a trial and error situation, possibly more error. Next week I will go over how to stamp on cloth, some tricks I have learned along the way!
P.S. Looking for a little Inspiration Rx? It will be up later today!
P.P.S. Special thanks again to my model Michelle for her patience and pro skills!
Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to sunny Seattle with her handsome husband and two pups, they are expecting a baby girl in December (possibly November). Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.
I believe I may have a possible solution for the baby name dilemma: EMERSON. It is both female and male. The young girl I know is called “Emie.” May this note find you happy, healthy, and enjoying our sunny Seattle day.
I’m all signed up for that one, AND Jessica Hische’s Introduction to lettering!
Sarah, I hope to see you in class! I am excited for Jessica’s as well it can’t come soon enough:)
Thank you Miss Tristan for this trick, I didn’t know about baby wipes & Stamp.
You are welcome! Thank you for your visit!
What are your creative talents?
I am an artist and am looking for ways to include some lettering in my pieces. I love this Made with love stamp!