Kal Barteski brush lettering class!

Kal Barteski Class via Besottedblog

This class mention is bittersweet for me.  I am a fan of the very talented artist Kal Barteski  (she created the iconic ‘link with love’ button you often see on blogs), so much so when I was 8 months pregnant and discovered she had an on line class I bought it within seconds and waited with bated breath to get my access key to start.  I knew with the baby coming soon I wouldn’t be able to do much lettering or class taking and after being so sick it seemed like the perfect opportunity.  Unfortunately, I received an email the next day with a refund (insert sad face here), Kal had taken her class down and was going to revamp it, it never happened before I welcomed my little one and it seems like it will be forever before I can do any lettering again*. But you my friends can take Kal’s revamped class and I am sure it will be so, so good! Kal teamed up with the wonderful folks at Studio Calico and the class looks like it’s going to be an amazing one! I do hope you take it and report back to me and if you end up getting hooked on the Studio Califco goodies in their shop, I would love to see what you create! Take the Kal Barteski life scripted class here!

P.S. Studio Calico makes it even easier to take the class by allowing you to buy the supplies straight from their site. I LOVE this idea, no fumbling with inadequate supplies or roaming the art store aimlessly, just one click and you are ready to roll!

*Okay, so I am in enrolled now, it may be a little ambitious, perhaps, just maybe, but Alisa Burke has inspired me to create with baby, wish me luck!!!

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. She recently lives in sunny Seattle with her handsome husband, wonderful baby girl and two pups. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.

4 thoughts on “Kal Barteski brush lettering class!

  1. I LOVE Kal Barteski! I took her old class a few months before she closed it down to revamp, and brush lettering is my absolute favorite. I’ve toyed around with different lettering styles over the years, but this was the first one that I felt a real connection with. Something about the perfectness of it being so imperfect. I would highly recommend taking her class for anyone considering it!

  2. Gwen your lettering is gorgeous! Thank you for the recommendation, I think it really helps to get feedback from someone that has taken the class and also someone who is creating such great work! Are you using the brushes she recommends?

  3. I am so glad to hear you took it! I am crushing big time on Kal, what a wonderful, inspired and positive individual!

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