Learn how to watercolor!

maybelle imasa-stukuls watercolor via besotted blog

This gorgeous shot popped up in my feed the other day, created by none other than the wildly talented Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls, I think a lot of people only know her as a calligrapher but she is a brilliant artist as well! Of course this made me want to try my hand at watercolor, I’ve been wanting to for some time I do have a nice set that I got a few holiday’s ago. I had been meaning to sign-up for a local class, but seriously when will I find a watercolor class that I can take either at 7:30 a.m. or 10p.m.? I found one! Yao Cheng, watercolor artist is now teaching a very comprehensive watercolor class at Creative Bug.  It’s very detailed, filled with tons of little tips + tricks. I have perused many a book and even did a bit of Googling and this class feels very accesible. I just started watching so I haven’t had a chance to begin a project, but I now feel like it’s possible to give it a go. What about you?  Have you ever tried watercolors? Any advice?  Have you taken this class yet? Creative Bug is now a very affordable $4.95/mo. but you can also get a 2 week free trial which gives you plenty of time to take many of their classes, in a try before you buy sort of way.

P.S. Love the lettering on this photo and want to learn how to do that yourself? Maybelle teaches an on-line calligraphy class here.


Creative Bug

Maybelle’s Calligraphy Class

Watercolor Class

Schmidt watercolors (the one’s that Maybelle used for the image)

Yao’s Watercolor tutorial on the Alison Show

photo by maybelle imasa-stukul

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.

7 thoughts on “Learn how to watercolor!

  1. hello, twin! i too fell in love with maybelle’s photo at instagram.

    may have to give this online class a go. in my spare time, lol. :)

  2. Thank you sweet Tristan! I am enjoying watercolors and experiencing the same feelings of excitement with as I did when I first started learning calligraphy!

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