make you own pro lip balm via besottod blog

Today was a good day, nothing special happened that I can pin point, it was just all around good (even the 5:00 a.m. wake up call wasn’t half bad).  One of the highlights of this day was making lip balm with Michelle for last minute gifts. I told her once we got started that it might inspire her to open up a lip balm factory because the process is kind of magical; you start with some waxes and oils, melt, pour and viola you have an apothecary worthy lip balm! It’s in a word-awesome.

I have been making my own products for many, many moons. I was at one time a pretty famous indie perfumer, can you even believe that? I can’t. Like I said that was many moons ago, things have changed and my brain is foggier than it was back then, so I needed a refresher course. Thank goodness an angry chicken was available for assistance. What the what?  I know, people don’t read blogs anymore, but in the olden days they did and Amy Karol was the shizzle, she still is and her ‘handle’ was Angry Chicken and she created an online class where I refreshed my brain and learned some new tricks on how to make some pretty impressive (and of course magical) lip balm. We dubbed ours ‘Wonder Mint’ because it is both a wonder and of course mint, but you can call yours anything your little heart desires (Michelle whipped up a download for you if you wanted to use our label).I know you are going to want to learn this skill too, especially if you have a deep, dark lip balm addiction (like myself) or are in need for a quick, DIY that doesn’t feel like a DIY, do you know what I mean? You can sign-up and take Amy’s class here at your own leisure, you can learn more than lip balm skills, but if you are short on time you can watch just the lip balm video. Have fun and let us know if you take the class!

photo by michelle p.

P.S. In the class Amy will go over supplies, we have linked to some supplies below just to make it easier for you.


Handmade Apothecary Class (online)

Lip Balm Tubes (smaller quantities)

Carrier Oil sample pack


Mint essential oil

Candellia Wax (vegan)

Beeswax pellets

Lip Balm Making Kit (with all the supplies, for those that want it easy + fast)

Wonder Mint lip balm label download

Amazon Prime (because it’s awesome + life changing)

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. She lives in sunny Seattle with her handsome husband, wonderful baby girl and two pups. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.

3 thoughts on “MAKE YOUR OWN LIP BALM!

  1. I would LOVE to know a few scents you recommend combining for perfumes! I’ve tried my hand at a few (using essential oils), but my combinations aren’t great. Any suggestions?

  2. Oh those were the days…those early crafty blogs I gobbled up every chance I could…I have the angry chicken to thank for opening up my world to soup making with her life changing “sick and soupy” post. I’ve been confidently whipping up fresh soup ever since. Happy 2015 to you!

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