Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls on-line modern calligraphy workshop

maybelle by elizabeth messina copy

It is with great fanfare, excitement & delight that we announce that the incredible Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls, the doyenne of modern calligraphy herself will finally be teaching an online calligraphy workshop!  Queue the angels singing, I am so excited that I am about to pop out of my desk chair (very hard to do in my current injured state). I make it no secret that I adore Maybelle, she is talented, kind, generous and exactly how you’d imagine her to be–wonderful. We met when Maybelle consulted* with me when she came out of ‘retirement’ three years after having her twins (trust me it will probably take me twice as long to get back to ‘normal). I have watched Maybelle soar and my heart explodes with joy whenever I get to witness her hit another pinnacle of success, she has earned it. Maybelle teamed up with San Francisco based online workshop purveyors Creative Bug to film a month long series of her consistently sold out workshop. I have never been able to attend one of Maybelle’s live workshops so the opportunity to take her course at my own pace, whenever time permits is ideal. Maybelle has also put together some (insert whistle) fine calligraphy kits for you so you don’t have to scour the interwebs or city to get your supplies to get started. She created three options the luxe (of course I am going to have to have this one!), mid-level (but still luxe to me!) and dabbler/beginner kit (for those who aren’t sure if they will love lettering, you will so just get the luxe!)

For those unfamiliar with Creative Bug it is an online resource for creative craft classes taught by many familiar and popular artists (I just took the Lisa Congdon series). It is subscription based, but it is one click cancellation if you feel like it isn’t for you or you have powered through all their classes in a month (a pretty hefty feat to accomplish). Maybelle’s workshop launches today and will continue for the month, I am anxious to get started, if you take it let me know what you think!  You can sign-up here!

P.S. Creative Bug has a promo that you can sign-up for 14 days free and cancel anytime, so you could technically watch half the workshop for nada! Now you have nothing to lose!

*For those that have no idea what I do in my ‘real’ life, (I have mentioned it in passing), I build brands, specifically I work with luxury brands to maintain continuity, advise on brand development + new product offerings and of course packaging.  I have been doing this for longer than most of you reading have been on earth. I am pretty darn good at it now.

photo by elizabeth messina

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. She lives in sunny Seattle with her handsome husband, wonderful baby girl and two pups. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.

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