Mega packaging resource list!


I know I promised to write my side hustle and I will, but I am closing the shop and gosh darn it’s taking a bunch of time to do.  I can’t tell you how happy I will be when this part of my life is finalized.  I LOVED having my shop, but I need to start working on our new project so after September 30th nothing will be available and the shop will be closed down forever. I am putting together my MEGA list of packaging resources as a pdf download. I will finally be spilling the beans on my wood box resources (and so much more).  If you want to up your packaging game, I dare say I had some of the best packaging in the business, truly.  Packaging that had a life after it was received so it wouldn’t be thrown away, people often shopped just for the packaging. This resource list is only for the individual that wants to stand out from everyone else and offer a higher-end product. If you are a lettering artist this would be a perfect way to present files to a client, any stationery, this packaging is for gifting in a big way, so only those that want to be of a certain caliber should even consider, it is not for everyone but for those like me with discerning taste and eye (said humbly of course).  This is a PRE-ORDER, I have been adding to the list every day and want to make sure it is as complete as possible!

This is NOT for the rubber stamp resources, which could easily make someone a really nice business and side hustle pronto, quality on the stamps is primo and mark-up is awesome. You need to invest in  your business to grow it, I built a 6 figure stationery business as a side hustle my first year out (and that was working full-time!) You know what sold the most?  My lettering stamps, so lettering artists, this is your chance, last chance, come September 30, 2016 all resources will be unavailable!

And I will be putting that other side hustle post together soon, because gosh knows it’s so very nice to know you have income coming in while you are pursuing your dreams, right?

7 thoughts on “Mega packaging resource list!

  1. Hi Tristan,
    I just discovered your blog which I love and I’m interested in purchasing your packaging list if it’s still available.

    Thanks, and best wishes.


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