I had a client send me artwork this week for a custom stamp and the lettering was fabulous, a little girly, but not too much and it definitely looked hand done, so being the lettering-phile that I am I inquired if she created the lettering herself in which she said no it’s a font. After a second look I realized it was the Anna Clara font that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I have to say it looked so good. I highly recommend it if you are looking for a sweet, hand-lettered font that looks very authentic.
The incredible Molly Jacques (you may have seen her work coursing through the interwebs) has introduced Icing, a simple upright printed hand with some nice motifs. I love Molly’s work and can’t believe that you can currently get a font from her that is wonderfully budget friendly. I also spied a very elegant modern calligraphic font that I am seriously crushing on it’s called Shameless . This font was created by Georgia based Neil Summerour the founder of Positype. I love how feminine it is without resorting to excessive curlicues, it’s definitely on the top of my list of fonts I need to have. It has an effortless flow and feels very relevant for what today’s modern calligraphy aficionados are currently coveting. I say bravo Mr. Summerour, nicely done.
Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to the country with her handsome husband and two pups and will be re-locating back to the city in the very near future.
Tristan have you seen Molly’s newest font, Kaley? It pretty much her signature script. Swoon.
I have not, but I am off to look for it right now!
Sadly, Courtnie I can’t find, send me a link:)
I just found this post on pinterest. I Had to go see if i could find the font Courtnie was talking about. Oh my…. L O V E IT!
Thank you Katie! I am so excited you found the link!!!
I am smiten with these. Thanks for sharing the fun finds Tristan! x
So I’m a bit late. Thanks for sharing the link Katie! I have to limit my blog read time or I get uber distracted!
Thank you so much for sharing these! I love how fluid and carefree Shameless is.
I am so glad you are Anna!
I agree Pauline, Shameless is a real beauty!
No worries at all Courtnie, so happy we found it and thank you again for mentioning it!
Now I want that ICING font. I have a serious font addiction problem :)
Mrs. Limestone all of Molly’s new fonts offerings are amazing! I have a font problem too!
Smitten by ICING and thinking it might be lovely for a project I’m working on. I’m compiling my grandmother’s stories and poems, and this might make a lovely cover. Please tell me, what is the simple font used for “lovely hand-lettered fonts” at the top of the graphic. It complements ICING so well. Thanks!
Allie, that is a beautiful font but it’s incredibly expensive I wouldn’t recommend (I bought set for nearly $700), I needed it for a client project. A nice alternative is Gill Sans light, which I think comes with most computers and also Arial light. Even Futura light may work well too:)
Indeed! Thanks for the other suggestions, Tristan. :)