Ez Pudewa Curator Besotted BlogTruth-be-told I have not featured the lovely Ez of Creature Comforts as a Pinterest Curator earlier because I thought it would be too obvious, of course everyone that is on Pinterest must follow Ez already,right? So this post is for the .9999% that may not follow (what?!) or for the newbie Pinner that wants instant visual gratification–follow Ez stat.  I was lucky enough to meet up with Ez in Santa Barbara when I was on the West Coast and I confessed to her that I had to control my very strong impulse to re-pin everything she does.  I am completely besotted with her eye and ability to sleuth the most beautiful, wonderful and inspiring things and I think you will be too!

I also think this is the perfect time to announce that I have joined the Creature Comforts team!  I will be doing a regular column on Photoshop for bloggers, it’s something that I have wanted to do for a long time and I am so excited to be working with Ez on this.  It has been in the works for awhile but with the launch of the new CC blog design it is time to get to work.  I will keep you posted on when the tutorials go live and I hope that you join me there so I can share some of my best tips + tricks!

P.S. If anyone is curious about what Ez is like in person and if she is what she appears to be on her blog, the answer is–no.  She is a zillion times better. She is much more beautiful (eyes so blue that you you find yourself gawking), impossibly kind, witty, intelligent and just a really good person.

P.P.S. I am so sorry the site was not accessible this week. I can’t figure out what the problem is, but I am still trying to get to the bottom of it, thank you to everyone that wrote to let me know, it was greatly appreciated!

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to the country with her handsome husband and two pups and will be re-locating back to the city in the very near future. Will it be the Bay area or Seattle? She’s open to your suggestions!


  1. Hi Miss B! I hope you had a great time on your trip – sounds like it was lovely!

    That is SO exciting you have joined the Creature Comforts team – congratulations! That is wonderful! I can’t wait to see some of your tutorials. I am still learning Photoshop…I know it is a HUGE program so I am slowly learning it bit by bit. Mostly with the help of Katrina’s tutorials on Pugly Pixel – I’d be lost without her! I am always on the hunt for new tutorials so I am super excited that you will be sharing some tips on Creature Comforts – I will definitely be popping over there to see what you are sharing! Can’t wait – so excited for you! :)

  2. Whoa, *blush* I wasn’t a follower! I feel like I’m fairly new to the whole “blogging scene” …I’m behind and want to catch up! :) Already lost in Ez’s boards. Aren’t you glad you shared, now! :)

    I’m pretty excited about your new column! You have the most beautiful blog and design aesthetic…I know I’ll be inspired. I’m also excited to LEARN, I can’t wait! :)

  3. Yea, Henna! If I introduced even one person to Ez than I feel this post was a success! Thank you so much for the kind words, they are always appreciated!

  4. Oh my goodness! How did I not see this until just now! Eep! Thank you so much sweet Tristan. I’m blushing ear to ear. Truly! Thank you so so much! And of you know that I’m just over the moon to have the opportunity to share your dazzling talents over on CC. I can’t wait! The community is in for a treat for sure!
    Thank you again for your kindness T. You made my month! xo Ez

  5. Yay you! That is so awesome! You and Ez are a perfect pairing!!!!! Cheering over here in Atlanta for y’all!

  6. Yay you! That is so awesome! You and Ez are a perfect pairing!!!!! Cheering over here in Atlanta for y’all!

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