Jeremy Pruitt Besotted

It’s so nice to be back!  It was such a treat to be able to use high-speed internet to do my Pinterest Curator post, formerly living in the country my internet speed was as fast as using an abacus, dial-up would have been faster (and much appreciated).  These posts used to take inordinate amounts of time to put together. Today I was able to scour curator Jeremy Pruitt’s boards as easily as a hot knife to butter. It was almost magical, scratch that, it was magical. I realized when I was choosing today’s curator that I have never featured a boy/male before, but I really don’t know a lot of pinners of the male persuasion but I do know that Jeremy’s boards are awe-to-the-some.  I am not even going to choose favorite boards, because I want you to take a peek at them all.  Yes, they run a bit masculine, but they are also filled with tons of great packaging, typography and okay, a bit of a fave a board dedicated to young Clint Eastwood (hubba hubba). I hope you like my choice for today, but no worries if you don’t it seems I can pull one of these curator posts together now in about 5 secs flat, so I should be compiling them about eight feet high and we shouldn’t run out any time soon.

Tomorrow I have a very special lettering artist interview, so if you have been missing those I think you will be very happy to see who will be featured.

P.S. If you want to suggest a curator (yourself included) just leave a comment or if you are shy shoot me an email.  I always go visit them!

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to sunny Seattle with her handsome husband and two pup.


  1. If it’s manly maybe I can convince the hubby to finally take a peek at pinterest – ha!

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