Megan Gilger Curator Besotted Blog a

Megan Gilger is a little more edgy than these pins would surmise, but it’s obvious she has a girly bent too, it’s just not as obvious to the average bear.  When I started going through her pins I noticed that she had a penchant for this blushy/peach color, a color that I also appreciate in small doses.  In almost all of her boards you will find this color hidden amongst other finely curated images. I like it and I hope you do too!  I am a little embarrassed to admit that I re-pin more of Meg’s pins than I think is socially acceptable, but technically Pinterest is a place where you are supposed to find inspiration and be able to file it away without incident but it is the interwebs and well, I get a little self-conscious sometimes. Not like I am going to  stop or anything, peshaw, that would be crazy talk, I just wanted you to  know that I am aware that I do it, but I am going to continue anyways, because well, people like Meg have good taste.  I didn’t know much about Meg prior to finding her Pins outstanding, but she has a great blog called The Fresh Exchange and design studio-Hitch Design Studio, both are worth checking out. I hope you like my find on this fine day and if you can’t wait until next week  you can always see who I follow here.

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She’s a little obsessed with Pinterest and tries to convince her husband that she is ‘working’ when she spends more time than she should on it.