Ah, best laid plans…Today was my husband’s day off and we had a laundry list of errands to run, it was to be one thing right after the other and we were bracing ourselves for a day of busy + mundane. That is not how the universe saw fit for us, nope. On this very fair (and rare) date–11.12.13 the stars aligned and conspired to throw us a surprise–a birthday no less. I had wanted this date as a potential birthday, but it was too soon, it was a passing thought in, ‘Oh, wouldn’t it be so cool if she was born 11.12.13?’ The next time this date will come around is 100 years from now, a sort of Halley’s comet of birthday’s.
Early morning plans changed radically, instead of heading off to the market and planning dinner I was whisked away to the hospital and told that today is the day. So, I guess I did work up until delivery, albeit I thought delivery would be in three weeks from now, which seemed so soon and now look at me? In an hour I will be going in to have her and yes, I am acutely aware at this most private and special of times, I am on the internet blogging, so 21st century of moi and possibly gauche, but I am not in my right mind and it seems like a perfectly normal thing to do at this moment. We still don’t have a name, today we were planning to nail that down, but as you can see nothing went quite as planned. Since I have never done anything remotely close to this before, I don’t know how long I shall be away from my little hub on the web but I will be thinking of my ‘home away from home’ and can’t wait to share her name and stats with you. We are about to embark on quite the adventure, indeed….
Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to sunny Seattle with her handsome husband and two pups, they are expecting a baby girl today. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.
You can do this mama! Sending you so many positive thoughts and warm hugs from across the miles! Can’t wait for you to meet your much longed for and already so adored precious bebe! xox Ez
Congratulations and goodluck, this is super exciting. You’re going to be such a wonderful mother. Also it must be fate, 11.12.13, what an awesome date to be born!
Children have their own timing don’t they? She is determined to be here and we will be anxiously awaiting news of her arrival. Welcome to the world little one!
it couldn’t be more perfect: 11.12.13. praying for you and your husband and your little babe. maybe HAILEY is in order as her name..or should at least be added to the list? ;)
good luck one + all!!!
ugh…”HALLEY” that is. excited for you, tristan!!!
PPS. so cute that you updated your info/signature to say… “expecting a baby girl today.” :D you are SO in your right mind ;)
I am so completely thrilled for you and your husband. Welcome to motherhood! May it be full of love and wondrous adventure.
Yay! What an adventure – sending lot’s of well wishes and warm thoughts your way.
Congratulations and best of luck!! Many warm wishes!
Wishing you all the best. The most amazing journey is just beginning. It’s a wild ride! So, so happy for you.
Congratulations! So happy for you and your family!
Congratulations!!! What a magical day.
Wishing you all the very very best.
Welcome sweet little girl :)
Sending lots of blessings, warm wishes and thoughts your way!! Can’t wait to see the beautiful girl here!!
11 :: 12 :: 13 !
Oh Tristan, I am beside myself with joy for you , your husband and your new baby girl!
I just finished the dinner dishes and popped onto my blog to check on you…to find… that she has arrived!
What a grand day!
Can’t wait to read your next post!
The best of blessings!
Oh Tristan I’m so excited! I can’t wait to see her – I so hope you share a pic of here here! And I can’t wait to hear her name!
So fun you got to have her today – you wanted your wedding on a date like that too didn’t you??! It didn’t quite happen as I recall – that’s been awhile already! I still want some pics of you in that dress to share on my blog!
Oh what exciting news! and such a great date. We will all be waiting to hear the news
of a beauitful healthy baby girl and Mama
Congratutlations, Tristan!! I’m assuming by this time your precious baby girl will have arrived. I pray that everything went smoothly and that your recovery is uneventful. Can’t wait to hear what you and hubby decide for a name and to see her photo.
Best wishes to you, Tristan! Holding your baby for the first time is one of the best (if not THE best) experience in the whole world!
How perfectly wonderful!
oh gosh! good luck and congrats!!! so, so happy for you! My niece had her baby boy today too, two weeks early. We so love the date and how awesome to born on this day! cant wait to hear more. xoxoxo
So happy for your little family, Tristan! Praying for a wonderful delivery and recovery. Take all the time you need to adjust and get to know one another. You won’t know day from night, but that is ok. It’s all part of the magical journey of parenthood. So.. I take it brunch is postponed? ;) Looking forward to seeing you whenever you’re ready. If you need anything, PLEASE let me know! xoxc
How exciting! Enjoy!
oh my goodness. i’m so, so excited for you. wishing you as much peace as you can possibly inhale the next few weeks. xoxo
Oh my goodness! I am so excited for you! Yay for
Technology and the fact that are sharing such a special
Moment with us! Thank you :) I can’t wait to see the ” stats”
Of your sweet baby girl!
With love
Wow, you’re amazing! And, I am sure your little girl will also be amazing! She is a very lucky girl to have you for her mama. Good luck with EVERYTHING!
Congratulations, Tristan!!! Oh my goodness, I hope it goes really well. Your whole world of loving followers and fans will be wishing you well from this side. We all are so excited for you! She is one very lucky little girl. xoxo
Wonderful news!! SO THRILLED for you!!!!
I understand what was happening as soon as i saw this beautifull and so right sentence on your blog. I send you from France my most tender and positiv thoughs. I’m sure everything will went perfectly well and i can’t wait to get fresh news about you and your for sure lovely daughter. Take care and ENJOY !!!
11.12.13 – of course, she’s stylish just like her Mama! Sending love!
Congratulations! Parenthood is indeed the most grand and amazing adventure.
So so wonderful! And oh, what adventures await you! xo
I’m sure that this is only the first of many times she will throw your plans off kilter. Thanks for including us in the day. May your labor be short and sweet.
Oh my goodness – good luck and enjoy this time with with your family!
So happy for you!!
So delighted for you — sending my love & hugs & all of the light in the world. You can do this – you’re a superwoman!!!
Oh Tristan, bienvenue to your baby ! The best is to come in your life…
It reminds me seven years ago, when my sweet Pauline was born. There is nothing comparable to a birth.
Je t’embrasse !
OH. MY. GOODNESS!!! Now I’m just going to be dying of anticipation!! My son celebrated his birthday yesterday and all good things have come from that day 9 years ago! I wish you all the same and cannot wait to see photos of your beauty!
holding my breath. Love to you sweet friend! xo
What a wonderful auspicious debut.
This was perhaps my favorite blog post ever, so sweet in so many ways. Congratulations!
your sweet baby girl is the most important thing right now, so taking time to just be in the moment is all that matters. :)
Congrat to you, the MAN and the baby :) you will be a great mother
How wonderful! I hope you are both well!
Congrats Tristan! Wishing all the best today :) xo
Congrats Tristan! Wishing you and your husband the best on your new journey of being parents!!
Congratulations! I hope your labor was smooth and you are spending time with your little one. I can’t wait to read along this adventure with you!
Congratulations Tristan!! Seems like just yesterday when you announced your illness (and pregnancy)… hope the delivery went smoothly! Wishing your new family of three plenty of rest and an eternity of joy :)
thinking of you and your new baby girl! can’t wait until you share more details xo
How late I am to this party, but nothing but congratulations to both you and your new little one!
Very big congrats Tristan! It is quite a miracle to be bringing a new wonderful life into this world! xo
And what a cool birthdate! My daughter was 07-08-09 :)
Congratulations so, so much!!!!! To you both!!!! It is a great ride!