I have had the image of the beautiful model with Italian script floating across it on my inspiration board for two moves, basically for-like-ever. I just love the effortless hand; loose, sophisticated and uncontrived. I first found the image on a Tumblr blog (where you can usually find no information about content source) and I had NO idea who it was, then to my complete and utter delight the genius behind the creation left a comment here. Yes, you read that right, she left a comment here, on this little blog and I was able to finally give her the kudos she deserves. Not that she needs my kudos as luxury companies such as Audi and Collette Dinnegan have already hired her hand for their projects. Sabine, of Pick Me an Australian based company is the artist and I just love it all. I couldn’t find much about her from her site, but I now know she has done magazine covers (wow) and the name Sabine is perfect for someone with such artistic inclinations, doesn’t it just sound like the person behind the name should be doing something wildly creative? I hope you like this find, you can visit her site here (a Paper & Ideas Studio) and see a bit more of her work. I shall be back later with more lettering tips and the like so stay tuned…
On a more somber note, it is 9-11 today, which always brings back a traumatic time in my life (as it does for many). It was a turning point that was forced upon me, but really set the ball in motion of who I am today and how my life has been lived and turned out thus far. As the great Winston Churchill has been quoted as saying, “If you are going through hell–keep going”. I agree. If anyone reading this is going through a dark time, just know it is temporary, it will pass and you will come out the other end a better person, even if it doesn’t seem like it right now. My wish for you today is to have a beautiful, wonderful and unforgettable day filled with possibility, love and laughter (lots and lots of laughter).
That typography is so free & lovely. Love it!
Love love LOVE this so much!! I’ve just stumbled across your blog via Pinterest. LOVE it already and now following via Bloglovin’! :D
Jane that’s a perfect description, I concur!
Thank you 529 Scout and welcome!
What a great Winston quote, and so true. Crazy it’s been 11 years.
Absolutely love the Sabine site. Her skill is remarkable! Thanks for the link as well as the lovely post.
OH THANK YOU for such generous and most kind words. My day has just taken such a leap of joy! I feel truly grateful for your post and comments. I’m working on some new things and shall give you some sneaky peaks soon Miss B.
Susan, it’s wild that 11 years has flown by!
Christine, I’m so glad you like, she definitely has her own style which is unique to her.
Sabine, you are SO welcome and thank you for giving me something so wildly creative to show off, I can’t wait to see what the future holds and get a peek at more new specimens from you!