Authentic Art Tool Effects in Photoshop

Digital art effects in Photoshop via besotted

//Digital Acrylic + graphite pencil//

Digital conte crayon samp via besotted

//Digital Oil Pastel//

Digital conte crayon ii via besotted

//Digital Conte Crayon//

This a biggie resource, even better than the reveal is that it’s FREE for those that have the Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop subscription and if you are following this blog chances are you do have a subscription, right?  Photoshop, oh, how do I love thee? I can’t even count all the ways, but without you I couldn’t turn my ugly photos into magnificent ones, I couldn’t animate my artwork or create easy gifs, I couldn’t dare explore all the wonderful art supplies that I don’t have time to purchase and experiment with…I am sure one day I’ll discover that Photoshop can do even more things like workout for me, oh, yeah, it can make my thighs slimmer in a few painless clicks, so never mind.

I digress, you want to know about the tools and by gosh, I want to share them with you!  A while back we wrote about Kyle’s brushes and how they created truly authentic artistic effects in Photoshop, well, Kyle has teemed up with Adobe and now you can get them all for free with your Creative Cloud subscription!  I am including some examples in this post to see the various effects in action (I used a Wacom to draw these). We hope you love this news as much as we do! Links below!


Brushes used: 1/Acrylic Brush 2/Conte Crayon 3/Nupastel

Kyles Brushes on Adobe

Adobe Creative Cloud Subscription

Wacom tablet