Five for Friday

52 week photo prompt lines via besotted blog

In an attempt to get out all the goodness we want to share with you I’m going to try a ‘Five for Friday’, it seems as if I am always jotting down little notes and thinking ‘we should write a post about that’ and then well, this little thing called life gets in the way. So here’s to trying new things…

I. We are doing lines at Foto Rx Co. (for our #FotoRx52 of course)! I have been racked with angst since I started the project, which is the opposite of what a photo project is supposed to do, this week it felt like my photo rut was finally lifting (a perk when you are shooting regularly) and I was able to see these power lines with new eyes. I am so happy how they turned out and instead of hating on the power lines per norm, I am looking forward to seeing them in a new light.

II. I just finished this book and I am in AWE of how the author so expertly and seamlessly navigated a story with multiple narrators and got each and every narrators voice so authentic, just totally inspired writing!

III. One of my new year’s goals was to master the cat eye. I was having a heap of failure, then I realized that I have hooded eyes and needed to do things a little differently. If you have hooded eyes and need help here are some tutorials to help 1 / 2 / 3

IV. I don’t have a lot of time for DIY’s anymore but I am aching to do this Moroccan pom pom blanket or even attempt the giant tassel blanket. I think adding in texture to my monochrome home is key to keep it looking one note.

V. If you missed it, we have two incredibly inspiring posts up for those that love to dabble in the painterly world without getting themselves dirty. Our blur on purpose’ resource is top notch (and I am LOVING this technique) and the digital painting tools that are free with your Adobe Creative Cloud subscription has me ‘painting’ and drawing my head off!

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