Besotted with…Friday faves!

Dahlia via besotted

I. We are in full on spring mode in these parts and are ready to start our gardens! I read this book in November and decided that this was my year to plant a cutting garden in my minuscule plot of land. I have already planted my dinner plate dahlia bulbs and am anxiously awaiting there arrival. Michelle informed me the woman that wrote the book also has seeds for sale and we are going to purchase and share so we can get more milage (perhaps you have a friend or two that wants to do the same?). We want everything.

II. Michelle introduced me to Alice , of course we immediately knew we needed to share with you. It’s a little vignette straight out of Amelie, part travel tip, part magic enjoy!

III. I am always looking for super easy meals to cook, pair that with a beautiful cookbook and I am a happy camper. Alison Roman’s new book, is chockfull of easy recipes, without too many complicated ingredients, bonus she is super heavy on the veggie recipes and I love me some veggies. The photographs by Nikkol Herriot and Michael Graydon are wonderfully modern and refreshing.

IV. We are so happy for our fellow flower lover Brittany on her new book, it looks like a must have for any craft library.

V. Last but certainly not least, if you are looking for something to do on Saturday, March 24, 2018 that could forever change the course of history, may we suggest this?


photo by tristan b. edited with stockholm