The London Toy Co.

Rare Bird Font Foundry Specimen IV via Besotted i

Just a charming little mock branding using Specimen IV by Lisa Mavian. We love this faux company so much that we want it to exist. On my Instagram I wrote, “London Toy Co.- Purveyors of Childhood magic, where mice sleep in cushioned matchboxes that hold secret maps to the stars and fairy dust is not optional.’ I so want to walk into that toy store!  The photo is from a shoot I did for a Spanish children’s clothier, I can’t wait to share some of those images, the clothes are so darling and well made.  We just wanted to pop in and thank you all for being such a huge support for our foundry launch!  It really is about community and we feel so lucky that we are a part of one that is so diverse and creative (from all around the globe no less!) Thank you!


Rare Bird Font Foundry

Specimen IV (test it out here)

Edited with Foto Rx actions (First Aid Kit ) and presets (coming soon!)

photo by tristan b.


Rare Bird Font Foundry Launch!


Rare Bird Font Foundry has launched!  Cue the confetti, let go of the virtual bouquet of balloons, pop the champagne! It’s official, we have a font foundry folks! Not just a font foundry, the world’s most beautiful font foundry. Thank you. very. much.  You will now have at your fingertips the hands of some of the most talented lettering artists today. We are so proud of all of our artists that have worked so hard to make this happen, and of course over the moon with our launch artists-Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls, Karla Lim and Lisa Mavian. Our desire is to continue to have a mix of lettering superstars and up & comers and to always add typefaces that we feel an individual could utilize in their work be it the DIY enthusiast to the art director.  Please come visit our new nest-Rare Bird Font Foundry.


Charming sans font

Lisa Mavian for Rare Bird Fonts via besotted blog

I have always loved this quote, I spotted it again last night when I was reading ‘She Persisted’ a wonderful children’s book about 13 women that overcame many obstacles to great success.  As you know we have gone to the birds here at Besotted this month, so to find a little bird-ish quote, albeit kind of pushing it, but still, so good! This is Lisa Mavian’s font, it is so incredibly robust, with alternates galore and some incredibly charming illustrated graphics. I took it down to its most simple form, but this font has range and would definitely be something that would be an asset to any designer’s arsenal.  Be sure to sign-up for launch!

One more day!

rare-bird-countdown-1-GIF!  Are you sick of me yet?  I am sure you are, but look at that font?  Go ahead, insert low whistle here, I am! I know you must have thought we dropped the lettering love like a hot potato, we didn’t, we just wanted to see our obsession for typography morph into something more. This foundry is that ‘more’. We are so excited to be able to work with artists that we admired for so long and to help them realize their visions. If you haven’t already, sign-up to be the first one notified of the launch and to see the site of the ‘most beautiful font foundry in the world’.




Two! Two more days until the Rare Bird Font Foundry launches? I am getting both extremely nervous and extremely excited! It’s like all the major holidays rolled up into one big day, complete with all the pre-stress related with said holiday. Feel free to leave us a note and let us know that we aren’t just sitting here ‘talking’ to ourselves. I am dying to have blogging be how it used to be, where people actually left you little notes and gave you virtual high-fives and all that jazz. I want to be able to share my excitement without feeling like a used car salesman, because I am so excited and I know the fonts are going to be an incredible addition to many designer’s arsenals, an addition that will make for some very happy clients. Happy clients + Happy designers = Success! And we totally want you to be successful! I’ll make this post quick, because basically I am starting to hyperventilate (in a good way, if that’s possible?)
