Find photo credit


One of the most frustrating things on the internet is finding photo credit for an image. I know for some it doesn’t matter and trust me there are days where I seriously wish I didn’t care, because trying to find photo attribution is usually a pain in the rear and takes time I don’t have away from me. Alas, I stumbled upon a little plug-in that has not only been a saving grace, it has also helped me find new work based on the similarities in my target images I am searching, that is a total win-win because I LOVE a new discovery! Best part? It’s only a little one click deal. Here’s my quick tute, hope it helps you!Read More

Foto Rx Fall Tone Photoshop Actions-Free!


Fall is in the air big time in the PNW, leaves are changing, crispness to the air, all the good warm, cozy feelings that come with the arrival of Autumn. Michelle and I have been studying the way films are toned, we both love a cinematic image, they always seem to evoke more feeling and depth than a S.O.O.C. (that’s straight out of camera*).  Although we both feel strongly about getting it right when you shoot (Michelle is much better at this than me), I have started striving for it as well, since I no longer have copious amounts of spare time to fiddle in Photoshop. With that idea in mind that neither of us wants to be sitting in front of our computers editing longer than we have to, we created a mini set of Photoshop actions to quickly (one click) tone your images for a more fall ambient feel, we chose a cinematic technique to create the actions that we are super proud of discovering. We haven’t released any post processing tools prior that are toning specific, we wanted to make sure that any effect we created maintained the integrity of the original image and was just an enhancement–subtle, simple and beautiful. The best part?  We are sending one of the actions to you for free!  That’s right! Sharing is caring and we are all about the share. We will send you the Autumn Tone Evening action as soon as we are ready to launch. There is a small catch, it will only work in updated versions of Photoshop CC 2015.5.  We both have subscriptions to the Adobe Creative Cloud Photography Plan, its only $10/mo. and you also get Lightroom CC and all the future updates free (unlike the previous model where you had to pay a ransom to upgrade). For anyone editing images on a regular basis, it’s a tiny investment to make, to get the latest and greatest from Adobe (insert heart eyes here for me). Click here to have your action sent to you soon!

We will pop in again this week!

*I do have to add here Michelle has a mirrorless Fuji and her S.O.O.C. images have that beautiful Fuji film quality, and seriously have me contemplating giving up my Canon. I think I am going to be renting one first to give it a go, Michelle says the focus system is really powerful and though I love me some blur, I admittedly am getting frustrated by ALL the missed focus images I am getting from a toddler that is constantly in motion. There’s so much to love about this camera and it is quite good looking to boot!

Mega packaging resource list!


I know I promised to write my side hustle and I will, but I am closing the shop and gosh darn it’s taking a bunch of time to do.  I can’t tell you how happy I will be when this part of my life is finalized.  I LOVED having my shop, but I need to start working on our new project so after September 30th nothing will be available and the shop will be closed down forever. I am putting together my MEGA list of packaging resources as a pdf download. I will finally be spilling the beans on my wood box resources (and so much more).  If you want to up your packaging game, I dare say I had some of the best packaging in the business, truly.  Packaging that had a life after it was received so it wouldn’t be thrown away, people often shopped just for the packaging. This resource list is only for the individual that wants to stand out from everyone else and offer a higher-end product. If you are a lettering artist this would be a perfect way to present files to a client, any stationery, this packaging is for gifting in a big way, so only those that want to be of a certain caliber should even consider, it is not for everyone but for those like me with discerning taste and eye (said humbly of course).  This is a PRE-ORDER, I have been adding to the list every day and want to make sure it is as complete as possible!

This is NOT for the rubber stamp resources, which could easily make someone a really nice business and side hustle pronto, quality on the stamps is primo and mark-up is awesome. You need to invest in  your business to grow it, I built a 6 figure stationery business as a side hustle my first year out (and that was working full-time!) You know what sold the most?  My lettering stamps, so lettering artists, this is your chance, last chance, come September 30, 2016 all resources will be unavailable!

And I will be putting that other side hustle post together soon, because gosh knows it’s so very nice to know you have income coming in while you are pursuing your dreams, right?

Shop closing sale!



Oh, hello there friends!  How have you been?  We have been pretty much mired in all the things that need to be done to start a new endeavor and wrap up loose ends.  It has felt completely and utterly overwhelming. Once I have one thing checked off our mammoth list I get to see which of the other bajillion items I need to tackle next. Le Sigh.  Add to that potty training, school starting and I am about to sit in a corner and rock silently back and forth for the rest of my life. I have been busy photographing items from the shop for my massive sale (and I mean massive). I am practically giving things away!  I am putting up new things as I get the photos edited, so check back often.  The biggest part of the sale is on custom stamps.  I had a bunch of inquires from people that wanted custom stamps before we closed and I just decided to open it up for custom stamp orders.  I will place large orders on September 12th and September 20th.  It will be the last time we take any orders and I am pricing as a HUGE thank you to everyone that supported the shop!  Custom stamps of your logo at 1″ x 1″ were $50 and now will be $18, SERIOUSLY! If you are a lettering artist I will do bulk discounts (so even more discounting!), this is the time to get your business stamp, get stamps of your lettering done for clients, custom stamps for gifts and stamps for resale, NOW is the time! There will be ‘Studio Grab Bags’ that will be just that a little goodie from the studio (unused or gently used items, samples, research, etc), unlike a regular grab bag I will preview most of what will be in it!

I will also be selling off resources.  What does that mean?  That means if you wanted to start your own custom stamp business I will sell you my resource for THE BEST custom stamp manufacturers around–wood stamps with engraving, wood stamps for resale, unmounted red rubberstamps, clear stamps that include the plastic packaging for resale.  These resources took me YEARS to research test and find.  It’s an extremely profitable business and the resources are a goldmine!  Just send me an email to get the fee for this.  I am only selling to 3 individuals!  Yes, I will sell my wood box and twine resources as well.  So, if you are ready to start a shop or take your stationery shop in a new direction shoot me a line!

What else?  Well, when Michelle and I were sweating our brains off trying to find our focus and what we needed to cut out in order to do so, Michelle brought up an interesting point even after we cut most of the fat we still had multiple projects out there some that we couldn’t (or wouldn’t) give up (ie. being a full-time work-at-home mom! It’s a TON of work). Next post I am going to share with you how I was able to make over 120K with a side hustle.  I don’t know why I didn’t share it before, it seems like something that I would have but I have been BUSY and obviously not that focused.  I thought I’d share because once you find something you are going to focus on you may want some income coming in, right? It’s not for everyone and it’s only passive-ish, but it’s been a ton of fun, super rewarding and a great learning experience.  I will get you all the details soon!

Lettering Artist | Alice Gabb


Super excited to share Alice Gabb with you today! Alice has such a unique hand that you can identify anywhere. It’s that wabi sabi hand that I wish for–perfectly imperfect. Alice is an uber talented artist and we hope you love reading her interview as much as we did!

Where are you located?

I work from a little studio in Dalston in East London, that I share with two other creatives, and a tiny Italian Greyhound.

How did you get started in lettering?

I studied Graphic Design and Illustration at university, and my projects always seemed to feature hand rendered type. I wasn’t interested in typography in a digital sense at all, I just wanted to draw it!  When I graduated I was accepted to have a stall at the beautiful Broadway Market every Saturday. I sold stationery that I had designed and screenprinted during the week. I started to get a lot of wedding invite commissions, and was hand drawing or painting all of my lettering, until I learned (years later) that the typefaces I was creating with a pencil or brush was called ‘Modern Calligraphy’and started to teach myself using the Besotted Blog for research. It took so long to learn because it was relatively new to the UK back then, and it was hard to get hold of the right supplies. That was three years ago now, it’s flown by!

What are some of your favorite supplies? (this people go nuts for!)

I love the Blue Pumpkin and Leonardt Prinicpal EF for nibs. It took me months to be able to use the Blue Pumpkin, so I advise beginners to start with the Zebra G or Nikko G nibs. I use Dr PH Martins Bleedproof White for white ink, Higgins eternal for black ink, and I have a small set of gouache tubes that I mix up with water and a few drops of gum arabic for every colour in between. I flit between straight pen holders and oblique, and I get through a lot of Daler Rowney A4 Layout Paper pads. I’m yet to get one of those Finetec Metallic Palettes but that is next on my list!

Can you name some of your inspirations? (books, music, artists, etc.)

I love going to Old Spitalfields on a Thursday morning so I can add to my collection of vintage stationery. I’m particularly interested in telegrams and fold out souvenir cards and I use old packaging a lot to dictate my layout and choice of typefaces. I like looking at traditional sign painting too. Although it can be hard to find these days, my parents live by the sea in Cornwall, and you can’t use vinyl because the sea spray makes it curl up and peel off very quickly, so there’s lots of lovely traditional painted examples about the place!

Can you go a little into your process of how you work on a project?

I am probably not someone to emulate in terms of work process!! I still haven’t got round to learning how to use a fancy tablet…I will though, one day! Everything is practiced on layout paper first, and then written or drawn numerous times until I am happy with it and scanned in to then be artworked in Photoshop, and then laid out in InDesign. I’m really particular about things, sometimes I will write a word fifty times before I’m happy with it. I think that surprises people because a lot of my work has a naive feel, and my calligraphy style is fairly whimsical with long lines and leaders, and never following a straight line – but often my process is fairly lengthy!

Any tips for newbies on how to develop their own style?

I suppose when you strip it back, it is all about patience, practice and attention to detail. I think it’s important to be really noticing the way other artists are creating their letters, making a mental note of  little elements you particularly like, and leaving bits you don’t. I can’t lie though, you need to practice, practice, practice! Write down song lyrics, swear words, inspirational quotes, your shopping list, anything!

I think trusty old Pinterest is a great place to be finetuning your preferred styles. I have one board for nicely styled shoots that inspire me, but another board specifically for close up examples of letters that I especially like the look of.

It’s also helpful to remember that Modern Calligraphy has evolved from traditional Copperplate script, and studying that style can hugely improve your control. Dr J.M Vitolo’s amazing online resource, Iampeth, really helped me at the beginning, as did Fozzy Castro-Dayrit. She is so dedicated to the study of calligraphy, and her instagram always encourages me to do my drills!

Any recommendations of books or classes for lettering enthusiasts to further their studies?

Obviously if you are in London you should come to one of my classes, but if you are too far away, you can’t beat the online course, the Modern Calligraphy Summit, that covers it allllll! Even though I had been a professional calligrapher for two years, when the Summit came along I just had to sign up because I was about to start teaching my own workshops, and I had this fear that my technique might be incorrect in the eyes of the calligraphy overlords, but actually it was a comforting reminder that I knew what I was doing and that I should go forth and share my lettering knowledge!

Do you have some favorite projects you would like me to mention?

My collaborations with bookbinder Catherine Willis (who works under the name Kitty Farrow) are probably my favourite. She is a traditional book binder and box maker, and so between us we have a really unusual and old fashioned skill set! We’re a couple of old fashioned gals at heart, there is usually always a glass of sherry or two in our meetings. I find it very hard to work with other people as I’m so used to working alone, but Cat makes me macaroni cheese so everything is always ok.

Any advice on what ‘not’ to do?

Cripes, there are so many dont’s!! I’ve learnt the hard way! Most importantly, do not rush, and give yourself plenty of time to learn if you have a specific project in mind.  Secondly, try not to associate calligraphy with ‘hand writing’. Hand writing is something totally different, something we have subconsciously spent decades practicing. It also has a totally different pace to modern calligraphy, and you hold the pen and angle your hand differently, so instead, think of calligraphy as a series of lines and curves that you need to teach your brain by repeating and repeating until your muscle memory knows exactly what to do. It’s frustrating at the beginning but it gets easier!

Last of all, do not leave your nib in your penholder all the time like I do until it is fused with rust to your penholder and has to be pulled out with pliers….it’s a terrible habit…

If you want to mention any upcoming workshops…

Oh yes. I run Beginners lessons every other Saturday and Improvers classes on occasional Tuesday evenings. Both of which take place in my favourite East London cafes.

Name one random talent you have that people may not know?

I am pretty good at hula hooping and roller skating…Marawa the Amazing used to run lessons at her Hoopermarket by my studio one summer, and I used to go every week, practice most days and had grand dreams (some would say delusions!) of one day becoming a Majorette….I think I’ll just stick to my fancy writing though….

