Feedly Besotted Blog i

With the demise of Google reader it has had the blogosphere up in arms on how one would get their blog fix on. I have to be honest, I hadn’t looked at my reader in ages, it overwhelmed me, as it should have, I was following almost a thousand blogs (most in foreign languages)!  I did get sucked into the hype though and started researching some alternate avenues and found Feedly. Mere words can not express how happy I am with it! It has won my little organized heart, each blog can be put into it’s own custom category (ie. foodie, style, d.i.y.) and when I log-in I can see the blogs I love in multiple views at a glance (the above image is a screen shot of my Feedly feed from two of my fave blogs). I can also mark each post as read or save them if they really tickle my fancy. Being able to put the blogs into categories has helped me not be inundated with randomness and keep my blog procrastination to a minimum (sort of).  It was high time I organized my reader and also clean out my inbox as I was still receiving a dozen updates from blogs via email, which is so old school and also stressful. I have to say taking the time to unsubscribe to the blogs and add them to my Feedly was well worth the little effort I made. Now, I need to update my blog roll, it has been terribly neglected and I do have so many blogs that I would love to give some attention to and even favorites that I haven’t added to it yet, for shame!

In other news, I have been working like a madwoman behind the scenes to try to organize this here blog. I so want a visual ‘at a glance’ search for things like lettering supplies or the oft asked questions about my camera equipment and set-up, just an easy ‘hey there it is’, instead of having to search futilely through blog post after blog post. I have started to work with a gallery plug-in, which I am on the fence about and am not even sure if it will work for what I am trying to accomplish–technology!  I am also considering this plug-in for comments, I love the idea that I can easily see your latest posts or tweets (if you don’t have a blog), but I don’t know how it will mesh with my simple design. I do urge you, if you leave a comment here and have a site to make sure you put in your URL so people can click over and visit. I know I personally love visiting your sites and I am sure others like that option as well.

If any of you are on WordPress do you have gallery plug-in options you think I should consider? Or requests for making this spot an even better place?

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to sunny Seattle with her handsome husband and two pups. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.

12 thoughts on “FEEDLY

  1. I also LOVE Feedly…I was previously using Bloglovin but my type A slightly OCD personality just adores the organizational factor of feedly, like you said.

  2. Hi Tristan!
    First of all; I love your work and blog and this is my first comment to the site. Thank you for the contributions you make to the world of modern calligraphy. This is a great space, and your writing and approach are just so refreshing and Besotted is truly lovely, all around! To address the question at the end of your post. You have a couple of options here. If your posts are organized by categories, you can make sidebar buttons that will link to just posts by category. This works for tags as well. On this blog that I did a long time ago I created a page where people could search (categories for music mixes) on a landing page in the nav so that it was all on one page: http://www.thecharlottecville.com/category/mix-of-the-week/ . I hope that is helpful :-)

  3. Thank you Stephanie! I appreciate your kind words:) That page is exactly the idea I am going for but I am not quite sure how to execute, maybe I will email and bother you! I have the categories on drop down and on the side bar but it links to the scrolling posts and won’t link to an individual ‘page’ I can’t find an option for that, super frustrated!

  4. I really love how you support your readers, I know that it’s completely made my day when you’ve visited or commented on my blog. :) I don’t comment enough over here but I really love your work. Your blog is such a pleasant spot on the internet.

    Oh, thanks for mentioning feedly. It’s been bugging me that I don’t have an organized spot to keep track of all the beautiful blogs I love.

  5. Thank you Henna, that makes me so happy to read:) It is hard to comment, I often find myself thinking that I have nothing good to add to the conversation and all sorts of insecurities and of course time, I am usually reading blogs on the run! I am really enjoying Feedly, whomever was the designer behind it really created a thoughtful, functional and beautiful platform!

  6. I too found Feedly to be a better option for me, instead of Bloglovin or anything else. It’s much prettier and easier to navigate than others.

    As for Gallery plugins, it depends on what visually you are looking for. I have about 20 different options in my arsenal, based upon what my clients need/want. <3 The Jetpack plugin actually has a couple great ones even! You should check those out…

  7. Kathy, I will need to email you, I do have the Jetpack, but I didn’t see any gallery options, but I have some other SOS questions I need to ask too. lol:)

  8. Just read your blog today. I am so sorry to hear that you have been so sick. Sending you happy thoughts and love and light. Remember that the reward for this is priceless!!! Hang in there


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