I try not to post things I covet, isn’t that what Pinterest is for? When I do post my most coveted items,  I feel guilty like I am pushing consumerism down your throat or that I shouldn’t want these things because I don’t need them, but really what’s the harm? A girl can dream right?  I want a happy + healthy family above everything else, but sometimes frivolous items are just too darn fabulous not to share.  I only write with certain pens but the ones pictured are just so shiny & pretty! You see how I can get sucked in?  I hope you don’t mind me indulging every now and  again. Is there something out there you are coveting that isn’t a necessity? Do tell…

5 thoughts on “FEELING GILTY

  1. Oh, I covet quite a bit (see my Pinterest wish list ha), and now I want all of these items too! Totally ok to share.

  2. I received an e-mail from Kate Spade announcing their collaboration with Gap Kids… I’m super coveting all the cute girlie clothes! Does my daughter need more clothes? Mmm, no ;)

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