Found Abstracts a creative exercise

found abstracts via besotted


Our prompt this week for our #fotorx52 photo project is ‘found abstract’. This is another favorite, because abstract photo ops are everywhere! The first image looks like a painting of a seascape but is actually a decaying garage door in the neighborhood. The geometric, jewel-toned beauty (courtesy of Michelle) is an aerial shot photographed on her Iphone of some agricultural center. There are masterpieces everywhere, and this is where creative cropping can become your best bud.

It’s not too late to start your Foto Rx 52, shooting consistently will be the fastest way to becoming a better photographer. Follow us on Instagram for more inspo and edit examples. Shoot this week’s prompt and use #fotorx52 so we can find you and cheer you on.


Photo shot with Iphone 6

Image edited with Stockholm | clean x minimal

Edited in Photoshop CC

Some abstract artists that inspire us:

Mark Rothko

Richard Diebenkorn

Cy Twombly

Landon Metz