52 week photo challenge!


Michelle and I have started 2018 with a goal to continually replenish our creative well.  Last year we spent so much time with our heads down working that we had zero time to stop and get inspired anew. We didn’t shoot as much as we would have liked to, nor draw, nor paint, but this year we plan to give ourselves mandatory inspo time. We recently went to the Andrew Wyeth exhibit in Seattle which was incredible to witness in person, so much emotion, attention to detail and surprisingly wonder-filled.

To try to avoid shooting ruts we are doing a 52 week photo project on our Foto Rx Instagram feed, each week we will be providing a prompt and a photo example of how we interpreted the prompt. Last week was morning and this is Michelle’s submission. We edited it with our Stockholm | Clean x Minimal Photoshop action set, which gave the image some added depth and subdued the tones, it reads very much to me like a painting don’t you think? We do hope you join in our 52!

Are you doing anything different this year to keep the creative muse going?  We would love to hear!


Foto Rx Instagram

Stockholm Clean x Minimal

Photo shot with Fuji XT10

Still life tutorial

Andrew Wyeth

Andrew Wyeth book