Besotted with The Goldfinch

goldfinch cover via besotted blog

I haven’t come up for air in months and down time is pretty non-existent these days which makes the concept of picking up The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, a 784 tome, almost laughable to even consider, but consider I did and then I dove in. I am going to be honest here I only decided to read it because of the cover, I know it had an ‘it book’ cache and even a Pulitzer, but what really made me decide to crack it open? The cover. Seriously, I am still in awe how the cover is so simpatico with the story. I am always in awe when this happens, which of course is the art directors doing, but still feels like some sort of happy design coincidence. This cover was the genius of Keith Hayes, a sort of book cover savant, I’ll link to an interview below, because I find the process endlessly interesting. How was the book? It was heavy, Tartt’s writing is incredibly rich with descriptives, if you like that you will be in literary bliss. It dealt heavily (in gruesome detail) with a subject that I have no stomach for but by the time I had hit that spot, I was already too deep to not keep reading, but the cover? The cover for me will stay with me, it’s truly a masterpiece, simple and intriguing.

Have you read The Goldfinch? What were your thoughts? Did you buy it for the cover too? Any good reads of late?  I am going to be in need of another book now!


The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

Keith Hayes Art Director Interview

Goldfinch without cover (LOVE!)


4 thoughts on “Besotted with The Goldfinch

  1. I have to say I thought “The GoldFinch” was the most depressing book I have ever read. I have read many many books. So many reviews and friends said “it’s wonderful”, I don’t read what they suggest anymore.
    I just finished reading Nina George’s “The Little French Bistro”. I enjoyed her first book more “The Little Paris Bookshop”. I won’t tell you anything read the info on Amazon or better still go ask your librarian.
    Life is short, so always read books that you enjoy.

  2. I agree Cathy it was a heavy book, I think it was meant to disturb the reader. It wasn’t my favorite, nor the worse. I do think Ms. Tartt has an incredible, deft ability with description and dialogue, truly. The cover though? Hands down one of faves, I just think it makes you want to pick up the book! You are the 3rd person to recommend that book. I think Michelle read it after one of the recommendations. I do prefer my fiction to have a bit of an escapist, transporting, magical quality to it, so I will definitely look into it thank you!

  3. I loved this book for first 3 or 400 pages and then I got so frustrated with the main character and his apathy. I ended up putting the book aside and just reading the wiki page! I have a little bit of regret, I wish I’d actually finished it instead of “cheating” but I didn’t love the way the character was living his life.. and I felt the plot was dragged on for WAY too long. However, it is a fascinating book.. like many pieces of literature it evokes alot of feeling, and different readers will react differently. The cover, of course, is a feast for the eyes. :D

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