Find your next read!

Find your next read via besotted blog

I have been on a bit of a book binge lately, maybe it has something to do with the comments in this post. I have even been tipping my toes into fiction waters, a rarity. I finished The Night Circus, which so many of you loved and went on to read The Aviary (Michelle recommended), it’s by a children’s author so the audience is skewed younger, but it is well written, imaginative and a quick read. I started reading Birdbox, because Ez gave it a positive endorsement, I must forewarn you it is terrifying and adrenaline inducing from the very first page–not for those with a weak constitution.

After I put The Aviary down I was wondering if there were any apps that would recommend a book in a style that I just read, something that felt similar in feel but new and original. Kindle offers suggestions of what other customers who read a similar book bought as well, but I always find those so perplexingly off base. I did a little research and found the following sites that may help you discover your next book.

What should I read next– I enjoyed exploring this site because the recommended list is so varied, almost to the point of having you scratch your head and say, ‘huh’? But it’s a free service, use it with a grain of salt.

Your next read– I found this a little daunting and confusing, but if you figure it out let me know how it works.

Goodreads-This is more community based with recommendations from other bibliophiles. I signed up years ago, but I always forget about stopping here for a rec. Note to self–bookmark.


Head Butler-Your cultural concierge. More than book recommendations, but I found his book reviews really smart, witty and honest.

The Staff Recommends-Based on the ‘the staff recommends’ you see at bookstores this site curates the creators current recommendations. It’s a brilliant idea and I wish I thought of it because I sure would love a stack of fresh books at my ready (although sadly I only read my Kindle now because I do all my reading late into the wee hours).

Library Thing-Another community based/social network type site (ala Good Reads) but not as aesthetically pleasing.

Have you used any of these sites before? If so do you have a preference? Are there other sites I may have missed? Apps? Do you have an alternate way of choosing your next read? Inquiring minds want to know…

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.

2 thoughts on “Find your next read!

  1. Goodreads is my go to. I love that it has a record of what you have read and what you want to read. Not to mention all the different categories you can make for your titles! It has saved me more than once from checking out or buying a book I have already read. And I love the reading challenge every year to see how many books I actually finished. (If I remember to mark them as read.) the app on my kindle is great and I love that the site has buttons to take you right to Amazon or B&N or other book sellers to find a book.

  2. Thank you Amie for your visit and feedback, I think I need to give Goodreads another go!

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