Surface pattern design class

An Online Skillshare Class by Bonnie Christine
In the midst of all the hoopla surrounding our Foto Rx | First Aid Kit launch I saw a class that sparked my interest. Now you may be wondering how I can find time to take a class when I am busy with an active toddler, a new business, my existing business and this here blog. I do not have hired help or a clone of myself, so I watch a little bit here and there before I go to bed on my Kindle. I recently saw that Bonnie Christine of Going Home to Roost launched a new Skillshare class-Intro to Surface Pattern Design. For those of you not familiar with Bonnie she is a very popular blogger and a very successful (and prolific) surface pattern designer.  I actually have been a reader/fan of Bonnie’s for a long while now and have been amazed at the trajectory of her career. It is all well deserved as this woman does not stop creating, she is always doing new projects, adding new and exciting offerings to her blog (I have mentioned her Roost Tribe before as a great resource) and still manages to have that work/life balance we are all striving for. I knew I had to take this class!  What I didn’t expect, (but should have) was how dynamic Bonnie’s course was going to be. It is far more than just a surface pattern design class, it is a quick + easy intro to Illustrator (even if you have no experience in Illustrator you’ll be able to use it once the course is through), absolutely inspiring + motivational (in a totally authentic non-cheesy way) and of course an incredibly comprehensive course on surface pattern design. I called Michelle the next day and told her that I was thoroughly inspired and if I ever taught a Photoshop class I would love for it to have the same effect on my students. One of my favorite bits of the course was when Bonnie was recollecting about starting her blog and reaching out to a blogger with a large following and the blogger emailing her back and saying, ‘welcome, there’s room for you!’. Bonnie re-iterates that and tells you that the world needs your art/design, which I feel is such a call to action and motivating. It’s so easy to be an Eyeore and think, ‘Ah, the market is saturated, I wish I did this or that before the market got so saturated, now I could never do it.’ Oh, contraire, Bonnie believes you can (so do I), so today is the day, you need to get started on your dreams my friends, the world is waiting for you.
P.S. Bonnie has graciously given us the code BESOTTED so the first 50 readers can sign-up and take the class for free, click here!

20 thoughts on “Surface pattern design class

  1. this looks so interesting … i am so unaware of what is out there from a computer creation point of view … thanks for sharing and this could really help me with illustrator as i am one that has it but does not know how to use it … very exciting … and your foto rx videos look stunning … i would expect nothing less … well done getting to this point after three years :)

  2. Thank you Dawn for the compliments they are very appreciated! Illustrator is definitely not a program I have much experience in, I do use it for vectorizing but Bonnie’s class really opened my eyes and made it feel so much more comprehensible. I think you can learn anything with a great teacher. I believe Skillshare gives a a week free or something like that so it’s worth checking out if you have any interest! I am now a yearly subscriber because there’s so many classes I want to take, lol.

  3. Sounds like an interesting course. I tried the code but it didn’t work. Maybe I’m not putting it in the right spot? It seems like there’s only the option for a premium membership, rather than buying individual courses.

  4. dear tristan … how do i put the code in … i am not very good at figuring this out … i have never used skillshare … i did the same thing as anika … thanks so much to bonnie!

  5. Thanks for the recommendation! I have been wanting to learn pattern design but I have had those same ‘it’s all been done’ feels too, so I’m quite excited for this course. Skillshare is such a gold mine!

  6. Looks like a FABULOUS course! Bonnie is SO inspirational. I could not enter the code also.Have the first 50 already taken a spot?

  7. Oh, I would love to take this course but I also cannot enter the code :( There is no possibility to pay for one course only.

  8. SO glad I made it within the LUCKY 50! I’ve been wanting to take your course already back with Creative Live and so I could not be happier to get this one today. Jumping with happiness! Thank you ladies!!

  9. I can’t tell if I’m in the 50 or not, but no joke– I’ve been thinking that I need to look into your class!!!! An IG post made me aware of your pattern class. I’ve created some by dabbling but am sure aware that I have no idea what I’m doing! I hope that I can participate! A

  10. Amarilys, did you try the code? I think that Skillshare does a certain amount of time free, so no matter what you should be able to take the class:)

  11. Hi A.! Bonnie’s second class is up, there was a code in the post, but I am sure it has been used by now (super popular!), but go to, you can sign-up for free for a certain amount of time, a sort of ‘try before you buy’, have fun!

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