Yesterday I posted this lettering on Instagram and thought it might make a good Photoshop brush, I made two versions, both available for free to download (Valentine’s day is right around the corner after all). We are still hoping to launch our Foto Rx Photoshop actions this week and I have been a bit frantic, Michelle on the other hand is cool as a cucumber whilst the top of my head keeps popping off and steam escapes cartoon style. I am hoping to get back to a more dignified demeanor soon. I am just so darn excited, it’s the first big thing I have done since baby E. arrived and it’s making me feel like I am finally starting to get a groove going. I have felt so inept at adding any other task other than mother to my plate. I seriously don’t know how mom’s around the globe do it, it took me over a year to finally get anything done!
The photo above was edited with Foto Rx (but of course), the front most flower was suffering from overexposure so I used ‘paint on dark’ to bring back detail in the petals, if this had gotten to bright white on the overexposure mark, nothing short of time travel and taking the photo again would bring the detail back, all white overexposure means there isn’t any data to mine, thus rendering any remedy completely useless. We have included a few bonus film effect actions for you in the set, I used Matte+ a few times to get that muddy/foggy film look that is currently so popular and added film grain. The effect also helped me add my Photoshop lettering brush over the photograph without there being too much competing detail, a cool ‘trick’ to use when you want to add text to your photographs for your, Instagram, etc. Have any burning questions? Now is the time to ask them, always best to leave us comments, because it’ll be much faster to get your answers than via the abyss known as my email account.
If you would like to be notified of the launch of our Foto Rx actions you can sign-up here! and you can download the lettering Photoshop brushes here.
P.S. This was shot with my Iphone, it was one of a series (I did get in one decent photo), it was an image I thought was a goner until I ran it through a Foto Rx remedy, so if you are wondering if you can edit Iphone images, the answer is yes, if you have a high enough res image!
Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. She lives in sunny Seattle with her handsome husband, wonderful baby girl and two pups. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.
I’m so very excited for these actions to launch! (I say that because I have been asked by a friend to try and make her daughters school dance photos look better….ahhh….such a challenge! So I’m working and wishing I had your actions to work with!)
Hi, Nikkol, we are this close! Are the photos underexposed?
Oh my goodness…the photo and those brushes are just gorgeous! I have downloaded the brushes and they are fabulous. I know you are super busy, but I just wanted to ask how you went about making the word into a brush? I have looked at the tutorials you have posted in the past and haven’t had much success. Is it fairly simple? I have Photoshop and Illustrator and would love to make a few brushes with some text I have handlettered. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. I just love your blog so much! I’m always so inspired. xoxo
you mention an iphone photo is good to use if the resolution is high enough How can we alter resolutuin on the photos shot with an iphone? what resolution do you recommend?
Melissa, I’ll try to get a screencast done for it in the upcoming weeks, thank you for the kind words!
Judith, I have been emailing to myself and a dialog box will come up asking what resolution you would like and will give about 5 options, I always choose the highest resolution. I’ll try to screen shot this for a tute as well to make it easier or find an easy tute to link to!