I am sure you have heard the collective sigh straight through your screen that both Michelle and I have let out now that our Foto Rx | First Aid Kit photoshop actions have finally been released into the wild! It has only taken us 3 years to do this, we had originally created a version of them for our Food + Foto class and had great feedback, but we figured it was just for our students. Fast forward a couple years later and the uber talented + creative Ez Pudewa formerly of Creature Comforts (and now of the darling Petit Pippin), asked me if they were available for sale, I mentioned it to Michelle and we both thought it was a good idea, (I mean if Ez liked them!), but then we must have saw something shiny because we were off doing one of our many other projects once again. The thing is we do a lot of photo editing around these parts, we shoot for the blog, we have shot commercially (a book cover!), now with my baby I shoot like I’m the paparazzo, we shoot in every kind of lighting condition and truth be told not all the images come s.o.o.c. (that’s photographer speak for ‘straight out of camera’) looking as ideal as we would have envisioned and time after time we went back to our little Foto Rx action set and were able to achieve the desired results in mere clicks. We knew the time had come to share our little secret with the world, make photo editing a lot easier, less daunting and dare I say fun?
Once we put our minds to something, Michelle and I become laser focused and maybe (just maybe) I get a little obsessive. We earned what Michelle has dubbed our ‘PsD’s’ by basically putting the original set on steroids and adding actions we wish we had prior (learning a ton along the way). We are calling it our Foto Rx | First Aid Kit, it will have everything you need to get your dull and lifeless photos to come back to life. We should put in a disclaimer here and add that some images just can’t be saved, we call these D.O.A. (that’s death on arrival), those are the images that have zero information in them (it’s so overexposed as to have become white and no information can be mined).
We know a lot of you that may be interested in the First Aid Kit might not have a ton of Photoshop experience, I did round up these tutorials for you and Michelle and I have been working on more tutorials that we will be uploading shortly (we will be doing a workflow edit on an image so you can see how we use them). We hope that with the links and the 25 page pdf that comes with the set that it will help get you started and build your Photoshop confidence. We will be answering questions of course both from our shop and in the comments below, but we thought we might get ahead of some of the questions that may come up:
What are Photoshop actions?
Simply put they are recorded tasks that you can ‘play’ in Photoshop (in the actions palette) that will automate your editing work flow. Our First Aid Kit Photoshop actions assist with ‘recovery and healing’ getting your images back from being sickly to stunners. We soon will be adding the ‘cosmetic surgery’ aspect to actions which will enhance your photos even further.
Will the Foto Rx Photoshop actions work for Photoshop Elements or Lightroom?
Unfortunately, they will not. We will be bringing you Lightroom presets of the actions soon though!
Do I need Photoshop to use your Foto Rx Photoshop actions?
Yes, you will. It is not an app (yet!) nor is it a stand alone application, we need Photoshop to run them.
Are Photoshop actions magic?
No, they are not, but they certainly can be magical!
I don’t have an English version of Photoshop, can I use your actions?
Maybe. They are made for the English version only, but Photoshop does have an options preference to change your language to English. Of course if you don’t speak English this could pose a problem.
My sharpening action isn’t working!
We recommend using sharpening as the finishing touch on your image. Flatten your previous layers, or make sure you have the photo layer you’d like sharpened highlighted before you run any sharpening actions.
I ran an action and my photo isn’t perfect, what the what?
Sometimes you may need to increase the strength of your ‘prescription’ by running the cure more than once. If that still doesn’t work, try another remedy. If that doesn’t work make sure your photo isn’t D.O.A. and is just too poor a quality to mine information from (either pitch black, or bright white). We currently can’t make a super blurry image crystal clear, but we are working on some ‘cosmetic surgery’ actions that may make that super blurry photo look incredibly cool (so don’t toss it just yet!)
P.S. We are launching on Valentine’s day because we know you are going to LOVE our actions! We created a Valentine’s inspired mini set for everyone lovely enough to sign-up for our launch, it’s not too late to be our pen pal and get the mini set free (Foto Rx Loves You). you can sign-up here!
Adobe Creative Cloud Photography Bundle (the video on this post was made in Photoshop CC!)
Cameras used: Canon EOS 60D | 50mm 1.4 Canon 6D (full frame)
Author / Miss Tristan B
Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. She lives in sunny Seattle with her handsome husband, wonderful baby girl and two pups. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.
Eeeee, so excited to use these! I had signed up for the announcement e-mail awhile ago and got it, however the link for Foto Rx Loves You leads to a dead page…
Oh my! Thank you so much for letting us know about the broken link Lauren! We just delivered an updated link, hopefully it will arrive in your email box momentarily.
We are incredibly excited ourselves, and thrilled to hear you are looking forward to putting the actions to good use!
Cheers for fixing that! Have just downloaded both — the perfect Valentine’s treat to myself :)
Congratulations on the launch ladies!
Thank you Lauren for catching that! It’s a good lesson to learn–double check all your links!
Thank you Lisa! Be on the look out for some of the images to make a appearance on the site soon!
Thank you for the mini set! I just got done trying your actions with a few of my images. LOVE it!
Lisa you are welcome! We plan on lavishing our mailing list with goodies!
Congratulations on your launch! I haven’t tried it yet because I just want some peace and quiet before I do – but I can’t wait. You must feel great – considering I feel like it’s a good day if I get dinner on the table AND clean up afterwards! What an effort, you must be so psyched. xo
Thank you Chiara! We will have a video up tomorrow showing the actions in action, so you can see how super easy it is:) I was telling Michelle that I really felt good about doing this project because I was worried my brain was never going to be the same after baby, I swear I felt so dopey. Having to dig deep back into Photoshop was a nice challenge and made me feel like my brain hadn’t totally deserted me! Having a baby and limited time has also forced me to be better with my time, I was a major procrastinator prior and now I am like a time ninja, 2 secs here, 1 minute there, it eventually adds up, also, I never could have done this without Michelle,now I just want to keep going, I am really excited about this, I hope you love them!
Yay! I’m so excited to hop over and buy mine! It’s going to be my treat for meeting all of my deadlines this week :) Thank you for all your work!!
We hope you love them! Please let us know if you have questions!
How exciting! Can’t wait for the Light room pack to be available.
Thank you Mrs. Limestone! We are working on it, we have a few more sets for PS to launch and then we plan on having the LR version!