I have been in some sort of organization mode for the better part of the last month. I am usually very organized but it has reached a fever pitch, I am trying to organize to the the ‘nth degree. I have slowly been adding the new offerings like the charming tiny bird above, hand drawn with a crown no less! I also have a beautiful new ink color in stock a deep espresso brown. I have wanted this color for a while but my vendor used to only have chocolate browns, or reddish browns or general ugly browns; this deep, dark brown is perfect. I have to be careful with getting too attached, the last two colors I fell for they discontinued as soon as I professed my love for them.

I did a little organizing of this here blog as well! It’s a work in progress (so many tweaks I want to do) but I have added an easy access to some of my favorite hand lettered + calligraphy fonts, these are just some that I have mentioned previously but I will be adding to it on a regular basis and even breaking down the categories. I am working on getting all the Lettering interviews organized in one place (I have a great one coming up this Thursday). I created a tab for both tutorials and DIY and also for my fave foto posts (lots of great film resources!) I tried this before without success but I am trying again, I have added a category for announcing winners, check to see if you won last weeks prize!

So, enough about my organizing frenzy, let’s give away this little bird stamp and an espresso ink pad, no? This question came courtesy of my friend Mary and we posed it to a few friends and family members with both thoughtful (and hilarious) responses.

If you could write a note to your your younger self, what would you say in only two words?

Answer this question in the comments by Sunday, November 3, 2013 and check here to see if you have won! I am excited to see your answers, mine was ‘be you’. I felt like I spent my early adulthood trying to be everyone but myself, now that I am older I realize that I’m not half bad.

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to sunny Seattle with her handsome husband and two pups, they are expecting a baby girl in December (possibly November). Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.


  1. “Don’t worry.” – Those were the first two words that popped into my head when I read the prompt, so they must be my gut answer.

  2. Breathe more. The stress I put myself through in high school and college were not worth it; working hard is key, but stressing out is not! I am more conscious about breathing deeply and knowing things will work out the best they can, now. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  3. You’re good. (does that count as 2 words…technically I feel like I cheated a little)

    Honestly, I feel like we all screw up and do things we later regret but I’m really happy with the place I am now. I’m not sure I would have gotten here if I didn’t make those mistakes and I would make those mistakes a thousand times if that was what I needed to do in order to come to the life I now lead. But thanks for posting this Tristan. I think I needed to be reminded about this today. Sometimes the pasts haunts me but today I will be thanking it.

  4. Everyone’s are so thoughtful so far! The first thing that popped into my head was “Ditch Curlers!” Lol. I tried for years to convince my hair that it ought to be curly and looking back, I do not have a clue why I thought it needed to be. Plus, with the huge quantity of hair that I have, it ended up just doing crazy things and sticking out. On a deeper level though, learning to embrace what I have was a really good thing for me and not something I started to accomplish until I was into my 20s.

  5. The first thing that popped into my head was “ease up”. Honestly, what you said is exactly what I would say about myself. This is a fun little game you started!

  6. Dream Bigger! I have no means had small goals and dreams but as I have grown I have realised anything is possible and only wish I could have bigger dreams growing up so I could have achieved even more!

  7. Take photos.

    I have a million mental pictures stored away of days gone by. I am always so in the moment, I often forget to capture it. I’m only thirty, and already, looking back, I wish I had more physical photos of random outings with friends, special moments with family, and those gorgeous days where everything seems magical for no reason at all. Change comes in the blink of an eye and some moments, while not big special occasions, are still so very special .

  8. As I’m spanish I would say “Eres estupenda”. Or “quierete”
    In english, maybe I’d say “Love yourself”. I would better say “You’re good”, but that’s three words.

  9. Rewind. Retry.
    Wouldn’t you love to have a second go at everything with today’s knowledge? Relive the good, retry the bad.

  10. use sunscreen. (i think the beauty of life is learning and living through our adventures and mistakes. it makes us who we are and that’s how we evolve. i can honestly say that my ONLY regret was not using sunscreen until I was an adult . . . or maybe it wasn’t INVENTED yet ?!)

  11. “Move abroad” – that’s one of things I regret I didn’t do when I was younger (and didn’t have children yet). Moving abroad for a year or two must be really mind opening experience. No when I have family it’s much more difficult to do it…

  12. Wake up! Both in the literal and figurative sense! Wake up because I feel like I miss out on so much good things because I want them to come to me with little effort. You have to jump into life to make things happen! Everything takes effort- including getting up early and not sleeping the day away!

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