I can’t tell you how proud I am to start introducing Torrie Asai for Besotted Brand! Torrie is a new to lettering and by some twist of fate I have ended up becoming a bit of a mentor to her. I saw that she had not only talent, but drive; what she lacked was confidence in her role as ‘creative’. I believe everyone has the ability to be creative (one of the main motivations behind this here blog), it just manifest itself in different ways for each individual (some people are great cooks, good with computers or numbers, organizing, even getting dressed, etc. There’s many variations of creative!), it’s recognizing what you are creative at and working on it that will make your gift shine. I honestly can not believe how far she has come from our first correspondence, she’s worked so hard to develop her lettering practice (note she doesn’t even do this for a living!) and it really shows. I even tapped Torrie to do the lettering for my last branding client, which is where she developed the style we used on this first offering, we call it ‘Sofia’. We wanted a feminine, modern flowy hand that was still legible and Torrie nailed it. We have more offerings coming before holidays, but I was just too excited after I received the sample above that I didn’t want to wait! A huge congrats to Torrie!
Since I am anxious to show her work off I urge you to tweet and pin it, why? Well, it would be nice to support a fellow creative but also because I will be giving one away of course! Just answer the following question by Sunday, October 20, 2012:
What are your creative talents?
I will announce the winner next Monday, October 21, 2012. Good luck!
P.S. I will be back later today with a tutorial on stamping like a pro on the cotton drawstring bags!
P.P.S. Use the code freeship01 to get free shipping on any of the stamps this week!
P.P.P.S. Torrie just turned me on to this new blog by some powerhouse internet celebs, I think you’ll like!
Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to sunny Seattle with her handsome husband and two pups, they are expecting a baby girl in December (possibly November). Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.
I love knitting and crocheting, and feel like I’ve recently grown in the former, which is always exciting for a creative endeavor. I’m currently honing my skills in designing, drawing, and lettering, though those feel far from “talents” just yet.
My creative talents are all around anything having to do with paper. I love paper! Doing collages. Making envelopes. Doing letter art. Making cards and notecards. There’s just something about me mixing and matching and making pretty things with paper. A stamp from you and Torrie could really take my paper pretties to another level….
I learned to crochet on youtube a few years ago and haven’t stopped since- I just opened an Etsy shop this year where I sell some of my hats along with other handmade baby goods and I’m loving it so much- it definitely helps to have that creative outlet when my full time job consists of sitting behind a desk all day. I also love to bake!! I’m currently working on honing my french macaron skills (I am terribly obsessed with this finicky cookie!).
I am primarily a quiltmaker but have recently returned to my painting. I taught for a number of years at a stamp & paper store ~ card-making, coloring techniques for rubber stamp embellishment. I can usually be found sitting in some nest of “maker’s supplies”. Torrie’s stamp is lovely!
My talent is photography– I love capturing special moments in an artful form. There is something so rewarding about it. But in my offseason from the wedding world, I like to hone in and strengthen other areas… this year I am going to strengthen my drawing ability by taking some classes! :)
P.S. are you going to post any of those gorgeous Elizabeth Messina images of you on your blog soon??!!! I can’t wait to see them!!!!
Yes, I am! I can’t wait to show her off, what an amazing talent and a very kind person to boot!
My creative talents lie mostly in drawing and illustration. I went to art school for a couple years, and that’s where I really honed my craft. I had always been interested in drawing, but it wasn’t until I took a drawing class that my talents really formed and took off. I quite enjoy drawing whimsical illustrations as well as realistic pencil drawings. It is something I look forward to doing over the years. It truly makes me happy. :) All around though, I’m just interested in being creative in almost any way possible. I fell in love with oil painting while at school and would really like to get back into it. I also dabble in calligraphy and do hand lettering as well. All of it just feels right. Being creative is the only thing I was ever meant to do. I can feel it in my bones.
I pinned it! I love the lettering and saved it as inspiration for my own lettering practice. I love working with paper. I collect beautiful papers (such as Japanese washi papers) and love working with the paper to make cards to send special friends. And as I said before, I have just started calligraphy, inspired by your blog, so can only hope to be as talented as Torrie in the future!
My creative talents lie mostly in working with children ~ whether it is working with them on problem solving, mastering a skill or building a friendship with another child, I find myself creatively coming up with ideas and different strategies that could help children overcome and grow. I also love creating opportunities for children (and myself) opportunities to express oneself and share with others through baking, making cards and scrapbooking. This stamp that Torrie beautifully designed would be a perfect way to mark each person’s gift (baked goods, cards) I make for them :)
I seem to be the one at work who plans all the events. So I would say my creativity stems from organization, although my work space is usually a mess from the projects I’m working on.
I would say creating birthday parties for my children. I also try to get them involved in the process of planning their parties and sometimes they help with the decorations and have a blast ;)
I’m looking forward to your tutorial on stamping on cotton bags!
I hope to say my most creative talent is lettering as beautiful as this. For now though I would have to say organizing and simplifying are my “talents.”
Can’t wait to see your tips on stamping on canvas bags!
Cooking is my best creative talent, but I am coming along in my graphic design skills!
I like all sorts of things. I studied graphic design in college, took quite a few textiles classes and even a paper making course. I currently have my watercolors out, and my calligraphy supplies, and always something to doodle on. I think it is important to feel creative each day even if that means just taking extra time to address an envelope beautifully.
I have had the pleasure of seeing Torrie’s lettering on Pinterest for awhile now and am so pleased to see her creativity honored in this way. Well-deserved.
My talents are photography, custom celebratory decor, writing, and custom greeting cards. I love combining images and words. I’ve pinned Torrie’s lettering/Besotted Brand stamp.
I look forward to your blog each time! Thanks.
I love knitting, sewing, and cooking. I have also been working on my calligraphy, but I am no where as good as the artists you feature. I do love it though.
my talents? there are so many (not very modest sounding, is it?), but I think the top one is not letting my lack of ability (or knowledge) stop me from trying (and learning!) to do/make something. It’s a quality that my parents were careful to cultivate in their kids, and it has served me SOOOO well!
Lovely stamp!
Hmmm. Creativity is such a huge part of who I am. Cooking, sewing, quilting, gardening, decorating, crafting in general…I just love to be creating with my hands. Currently having fun with lettering and watercolor. My problem is I enjoy so many things that refining a skill till it shines is difficult. I think I may need to find myself a creative mentor :)