This was an ambitious edit and I wasn’t sure it would work.  I doubt I could ever print this out because it is so minuscule, but it was a challenge to try. I stole a tiny butterfly from the original image (it’s so small if you blink you won’t see it). To tone down the pixelation I played with my new app Big Aperture, it’s .99 and pretty awesome for creating creamy bokeh.

Tomorrow is our first day of Souvenir Foto School, I am so excited.  I am really sorry for those that don’t want to see another photograph from moi  I am working behind the scenes to put together a brand, new shiny blog design with a lot more varied content, so I hope you can stick with me these next couple of months while I try to keep my focus + sanity.  I promise it will be worth the wait!

I will be editing a photo a day for the remainder of 2012::Project MMXII, this is my ‘after’, you can view the ‘before’ here.

3 thoughts on “MMXII 31:: EDITING A PHOTO-A-DAY IN 2012

  1. Thanks ladies! I was hoping people would check out the ‘before’ on this one, it was a little challenge to myself! Jill, Photoshop is the bestest, but really with all these cool apps on the market you can get similar effects.

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